The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Good, solid, and sweaty 45 mins on the elliptical again this morning, hitting my target of 6,000 steps (3km) without having to rush/push during the cooldown period. No mommy to babysit me this morning, as my brother who lives "in town" (i.e. about 20 mins drive from her) was coming over. Maybe my wife will Facetime her when she gets on the elliptical later today.
Finally started wearing the Iwatch again which is connected to all my other apps, so I guess the Cyborg monitoring has begun. Have not gotten back on the bike yet till my body acclimatizes to the new lifestyle again, as bonking is a real big issue on Keto until in complete bodily fat burning mode, rather than carbs, I guess it would be faster to just get up to 8000 meters and let the body start consuming itself, LOL. I would like to get back into climbing again, but these old bones, may not be up to it anymore, LOL, anyway the watch tracks everything now and considering the horrible things I have been eating and not doing since March of 2020 things look pretty good and who would have known walking around clients all day, shaving them and cutting there hair would be such a distance LOL..

for 1.15.2021, 8851 Steps and 4.5 miles, not to mention the work out on the forearms, back and legs, LOL turned out to be a 1361 calorie work out over the day, LOL. All other metrics are looking good as well

110/65 BP
59- 62 BPM RHR
Thats pretty awesome numbers.

i dont think ive ever seen my blood pressure that low on both.
its funny I have never had problems wit BP even when I abused my body and became a small planet, but there is also no history of high blood pressure as well, even when I was a 2 pack a day smoker my BP did not raise to much more that 120/80, and heart rate around 75 at highest, resting. Cholesterol the same way
its funny I have never had problems wit BP even when I abused my body and became a small planet, but there is also no history of high blood pressure as well, even when I was a 2 pack a day smoker my BP did not raise to much more that 120/80, and heart rate around 75 at highest, resting. Cholesterol the same way

just wanna ask, you using the right size cuff? I didnt realize this was a thing until a couple of years ago and the nurse put on a cuff that was too small accidentally.
A 3km 40 min walk with my wife outside this afternoon. Nice to get out for some fresh air.

Hmm, 3km outside in 40 mins at an easy pace ..... 3km inside on the elliptical in 45 mins at a sweaty pace. I'm gonna have to crunch some numbers because one of these isn't right 🤔
Couple of thoughts on the difference.

does the elliptical use elevation or resistance changes in your activity ? Is the air circulation good in the elliptical area?

i know there is treadmill vs road differences bit dont know much about ellipticals. I thought ellipticals are supposedly easier on the body all other things equal.

Also worth noting: The elliptical can offer a full-body workout if you use it as intended. “When using the handles, the arms are involved through pushing and pulling, which can increase the amount of calories burned,”

one last thought on this Maybe your leg movement/extension is larger on the elliptical and engaging your hips but not when road walking?
I'm trying to figure out distance difference rather than exertion. I'm sweating on the elliptical as I up the resistance and incline, AND my elliptical pace is MUCH faster than my "walk with wife" pace. 😜 Perhaps Google Maps is what's messed up on the distance calculation. I'll take a quick run in the car soon (wife wants pizza for supper) and will see what the odometer says; it should be off by a few hundred feet at most.
Google maps is pretty accurate.... difference of 0.2km (~600ft) between my driving the road and the walking trail, which goes further out into a small wooded trail.
Think that I will simply track my steps on the elliptical going forward and not worry about distance.
I'm trying to figure out distance difference rather than exertion. I'm sweating on the elliptical as I up the resistance and incline, AND my elliptical pace is MUCH faster than my "walk with wife" pace. 😜 Perhaps Google Maps is what's messed up on the distance calculation. I'll take a quick run in the car soon (wife wants pizza for supper) and will see what the odometer says; it should be off by a few hundred feet at most.

My pace goes down on large uphills, but HR and cadence go way up.
Yeah, I'd expect that the distance the elliptical is giving you is off. Indoor cycles have a similar problem. Electronics on these things can be pretty spotty. Calorie readings are another one to take with a grain of salt.
In theory you could measure the length of one of your strides on the elliptical and work out the distance from your steps.

That said, as long as you know your comparing apples to oranges, nothing wrong with using the distance your elliptical gives you to work out by. It's sure consistently off, so you can still track your good and bad days.
Another mesocycle in the bag. I'm definitely ready for a deload week. Still decent progress was made overall.

The bike I got had great bones, but I got the model with no electronics. That would have blown the budget, it's crazy how much the electronics add to the price. I'm just using my Apple Watch to record heart rate. I thought I could stream it to my phone through the native workout app, but no. Really a weird oversight from Apple, but I found a great heart rate app that let's me stream the workout to my phone, so I can use the heart rates zones more easily. Don't have to look at my watch all the time.

For my needs this does the trick. I was looking at fancier heart rate straps, and a cadence meter, but the cadence meters don't look like they will fit my model bike and after using this app, I think it's really enough. HeartWatch

I calc my elliptical distance. The Precor EFX 5.17i has a stride/step length of 19" according to official documentation. 19" x 6,000 strides = 114,000" = 2.9km
I measured around 20" on the machine per stride, which puts 6,000 steps at 3.05km.

I think I'll just use my "sweat gauge" and "pooped-ometer" over 6,000 steps as to when I need to up the resistance.
That's close enough. Part of the sweat difference is you're doing more mechanical work on the elliptical because of how the foot pads are going up and down, plus what ever your arms are adding in to energy spent. A step on the elliptical take more energy than a real step for sure.
Indeed ... upping the resistance makes a big difference as well, when it comes to exertion. However, my initial confusion was simply recognizing that the tra-la-la sauntering stroll with my wife (I could be singing "Rocky Rock to Dublin" without effort) covered the same distance in 40-45 mins as my 133 steps/min elliptical average, which is probably about twice the pace of my wifey-walk.

meh 🤷‍♂️... One is for an enjoyable fresh air walk and the other for solid cardio work.

BTW after 1.5 months, calf muscles are now starting to "split" and become defined at the base, and my core and chest are tighter. Expected the first, hoped for the second, but the third is a bonus. I "free walk" on the elliptical (as mine has fixed hand rails), so I guess there is enough upper body motion to provide some minor chest and arm work.
I have been really lax on the exercise since the baby has arrived. A walk here and there but nothing crazy.

This past week I have been focusing on stretching as everything in my body feels like a finely tuned piano wire. What a difference one week makes. Not doing anything real fancy, about 10 minutes a day cycling through a couple times of a set of yoga poses:

Child's pose
Downward facing dog
One legged dog
Warrior one
Standing forward bend

These have been really good for me.

This week I am going to attempt to add strength training back into the plan.
This past week I have been focusing on stretching as everything in my body feels like a finely tuned piano wire.
So true. Most of us dont realize everyday how truly tense we are, at least i know i dont and then i stretch for a bit and its huge “discovery “.
No joke, i feel funny saying this, but i spent a good 30 mins stretching my feet trying to break up some of the tension, tightness and what not.

I had used a tennis ball to massage previously but this video had me thinking 🤔
