The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

My mom only joined me for a 6-min treadmin stroll to go along with my 33 mins on the elliptical. She's doing really real to exercise almost daily with me, especially since she already did some snow shoveling this morning and had not exercised for years.
Last day at 33 mins; tomorrow, it will move to 45. My mom joined me (via video) on her treadmill and she managed to put in 12 mins, which is pretty awesome considered she's 83 and her normal exercise is getting up from the couch to go the the kitchen or bathroom.
45 mins on the elliptical today; my mom set a new personal best on her treadmill with 15 mins, a short break, and then another 3 mins.
45 mins on the elliptical this morning; my mom joined via Facetime for 20 mins on her treadmill ... a new record for her!
Earlier than normal 45 minute elliptical workout this morning as my mom wanted to beat any lineups and go get groceries for the week. She managed 21 mins on her treadmill. 💃
Nice @woodpusher you're really coming along!
Thanks! I'm more impressed by my 83 year-old mom though!

45 mins (~5,600 steps) this morning on the elliptical. Mom joined for 20 on her treadmill and she was actually tired when done; she explained that the grocery store changed up all the shelves and she had to walk about 3-4x shopping than she normally does. :ROFLMAO:
Thanks! I'm more impressed by my 83 year-old mom though!

45 mins (~5,600 steps) this morning on the elliptical. Mom joined for 20 on her treadmill and she was actually tired when done; she explained that the grocery store changed up all the shelves and she had to walk about 3-4x shopping than she normally does. :ROFLMAO:
I just didn’t want to make you feel about about your mom showing you up.
Even though I do plenty of weight training, being locked up here so long really ground my step count to a standstill, and I was starting to feel pretty crappy. Nothing like simple cardio as a mental tonic IMO. Well some of you guys are seeing that too I’m sure.

This came last Friday, and omg what a difference 10-20 minutes a day has already made.


I’m doing a 10 minute warm up before my first weight session and a 20 minute ride 2-3x/ week before my 2nd session.

Started a new meso today. We’re using down sets more this cycle, which means taking weight off the bar after the first heavy set. Helps keep overall fatigue down since we’re going into the 3rd cycle now. Otherwise everything is the same as before.
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A later Facetime talk with mom workout on the elliptical than normal, due to my annual checkup at the doctor's. My 83 year old mom managed 26 mins (a new high!) on her treadmill while I sweated away for 45 mins (~5,600 steps)
45 mins this morning on the elliptical and up to ~5,700 steps with a good sweat going on. I'm rethinking going to an hour workout come Jan.01 as I'm sweating pretty good at the current setting. My pace has increased from having to work and struggle to maintain a 120 strides/min pace to now generally going at ~ a 130 rate. The program I use is 7 intervals of 4 mins, alternating between high resistance + moderate incline and moderate resistance + low incline, followed by a 5 min cooldown interval. I can always up the base resistance and incline setting and probably get the same level of exercise (i.e cals burned) on a single 33 min program as I do over 45 mins. With the 45 mins, I restart the program after doing 12 mins (i.e 3 intervals) to hit my time target.

My mom tagged along for 23 mins on her treadmill and when I asked what "we" were doing tomorrow, she said she might take a break from working out as she had to start cooking the Christmas veggies at 11am (her local time in Newfoundland). She then said something along the lines of "I suppose we could start a little early" and *BAM* my octogenarian mom will be exercising Christmas morning before starting cooking! What a trooper!! :love:
More Christmas workout goodness here too. Did my incline chest workout, and between sets, wrapped gifts.
We open presents here on Christmas Eve after dinner. So just got the job done in time. A nice post workout Christmas dinner was had and I'll hop on the bike for 20 min and do a some shoulders and calfs before finally watching Parasite.
A shorter elliptical workout this morning (33 mins, ~4,000 steps) as I have to shovel snow beforehand. Wasn't much of the white stuff but it was the evil heavy slush that makes your back and shoulders let you know that they did not enjoy it. Mom joined in for 20 mins, even on Christmas day! Gotta love her :love:
After shoveling snow again this morning (thankfully, it was light and fluffy stuff), 33 mins on the elliptical (~4,200 steps) wit mom joining in for 20 on her treadmill.
45 mins and 5,800 steps on the elliptical this morning; a new high in step count for me. My mom joined in for 20 mins on her treadmill. 🦿