The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

45 mins on the elliptical had me hit 6,300 step. Based on my input weight, it says that was 585 calories burned. Not sure how much to trust it, but I thought it was interesting to learn that my 3/4 of a large pizza last night would mean 3 hrs of sweating on the elliptical. 🤪

Mom joined in this morning and said that she might not be able to do too much this morning as she was on the treadmill yesterday evening for 25 mins, joining my wife's elliptical workout via Facetime. Turns out that the 83-year old had more gas in the tank than she thought, hitting 33 mins this morning for a new PB!
Shoveled some light snow this morning, but it was actually more work putting on my sneakers than it was moving the white stuff. 🤪 Afterwards, 45 mins on the elliptical for my 6,000 steps yakking with my mom, who put in 25 on her treadmilll.

I'm starting to think about bumping the resistance up to 11 (scale goes from 1-20), but until I am regularly hitting 6,400-6,500 steps or failing to drench my shirt at 6,000 steps, I think that 10 is appropriate.
Deload week here, going to do a light 20 min on the bike, then some easy weights at warm up level.

Ending this meso, the coach and I did a review, pics and everything. Really nice changes have happened, it's been a great experience to actually work with a coach.

Next meso things will change a bit, expecting more high rep work, easier on the joints, but harder on the soul.

Then probably a month or so of backing off, letting the niggles heal and repeat.
just wanna ask, you using the right size cuff? I didnt realize this was a thing until a couple of years ago and the nurse put on a cuff that was too small accidentally.

yes sir right size cuff
I learned this the hard way and a lot of nurses or assistants who take your BP don't know this either. If if your arm is borderline big...ask for the bigger cuff.
45 mins on the elliptical had me hit 6,300 step. Based on my input weight, it says that was 585 calories burned. Not sure how much to trust it, but I thought it was interesting to learn that my 3/4 of a large pizza last night would mean 3 hrs of sweating on the elliptical. 🤪
That is probably in the range...Maybe not exact...but in the range.

A lot of people don't understand that you will never be able to exercise yourself thin without change to your diet. I know you are not in this boat Sam. But unless you are willing to spend every waking minute is the main mechanism for weight loss. Exercise can help facilitate weight loss through increased cardiopulmonary health, cellular health, growing muscles, supporting bones, and a whole lot of body health...but diet is the way.
Forgot to mention, that yesterday I started back on strength training. 20 minutes of the following exercises:

Bent Over Rows
Over the Head Presses
Combination moves (Deadlits, cleans, over the head press)

Haven't done these in a while...and even after one 20 minute back already feels better.
Yup, Calories in < Calories out is needed for weight loss.

Even before I started sweating exercising regularly , I struggled to take in more calories than I burned. It's even tougher for me now; the protien shake I take is basically protien (28g) and only 120 cals. Going to shift over later this week to a weight-gainer shake (packed with good stuff not crap calories).
It can be just as hard to gain weight, especially lean weight, as to loose it. Getting enough protein is super important. Personally I shoot for 2 g of quality protein per kg of body weight. You can get away with less, but I find protein easy to eat anyway and 2g/kg is sort of the safe, you know you're not screwing up amount.

Fat's easy to get, it's hard not to get enough fat unless you're trying. Carbs are the thing to add after you have enough protein. Unless you have some Keto thing going on. That seems to be the in thing here now, but there's no compelling reason to do that other than personal preference, especially if you want to gain weight.
Yup, ~1g/lb of protein is right. If I start trying to gain muscle via lifting rather than just toning, I will be looking for ~1.25g/lb. Even with my current shake, my leg muscles feel "hungry" as they are "tingly" throughout the day when I tense, so I think this is (lack of) carbs which I hope to address with the new protein shake. I can only eat so many crackers with peanut butter, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes per day. 😜

BTW my waist has dropped from 33-34" at the start of December to 32" relaxed (31" tensed).

Here's my current and upcoming protein powder shake nutrition.....

Current shake: Mutant Whey Pro (thought it was 28g not 24g of protein, confused the numbers between the two shakes)

New weight gainer shake: Mutant Mass (I'll start out taking the 2-scoop 1/2 serving to see how that works)
Changed up my route to ease the transition to an “easy” run and went through the wetlands and it’s “boardwalk” during lunch. Really beautiful out, but windy and crisp air. Really nice view when its more empty of people.

then went out and helped one of my daughters with some soccer training. Definitely felt nice to be on a pitch again and not be tired after 5 mins.
It can be just as hard to gain weight, especially lean weight, as to loose it. Getting enough protein is super important. Personally I shoot for 2 g of quality protein per kg of body weight. You can get away with less, but I find protein easy to eat anyway and 2g/kg is sort of the safe, you know you're not screwing up amount.

Fat's easy to get, it's hard not to get enough fat unless you're trying. Carbs are the thing to add after you have enough protein. Unless you have some Keto thing going on. That seems to be the in thing here now, but there's no compelling reason to do that other than personal preference, especially if you want to gain weight.
I am really trying to prioritize protein right now and man...if you are not actively looking for ways to get protein in the probably are not getting enough. I did my own assessment a month or so ago I realized that I was woefully deficient in protein...even just to maintain. Now...I may not be counting macros...but I have to make sure that whenever I eat...I eat protein matter the source. I have also added whey and collagen to my diet ( I have specific reasons for the collagen). My big issue with the protein powders is trying to find one that is not loaded with crap materials. I know as I get body won't metabolize the I really need to get on top of things before it is too late.
I am really trying to prioritize protein right now and man...if you are not actively looking for ways to get protein in the probably are not getting enough. I did my own assessment a month or so ago I realized that I was woefully deficient in protein...even just to maintain. Now...I may not be counting macros...but I have to make sure that whenever I eat...I eat protein matter the source. I have also added whey and collagen to my diet ( I have specific reasons for the collagen). My big issue with the protein powders is trying to find one that is not loaded with crap materials. I know as I get body won't metabolize the I really need to get on top of things before it is too late.
Why do you say that your body won't metabolize protein Don?
Why do you say that your body won't metabolize protein Don?
Okay...first of all...thank you Cole for calling me out on this. I think I got a few things confused (as I often do sometimes). What I really meant was that I need to increase my protein intake as I get older in order to stave off muscle loss. Muscle loss affects the skeletal system and other aspects of health. My focus right now in my health is to get rid of as much belly fat as I can and maintain (and maybe even build a little in the right places) muscle.

I am still trying to figure the higher protein aspect out for me...this is a bit new. At the same time I am trying to get rid of fat. That's the thing...I know I have said I want to lose weight...that's not really accurate. Sure...I would like to get down to the probably the 240 range (at my fittest in the Marine Corps I was around 220, but that was when I was in my early 20s), but what is more important to me is that I get rid of fat and maintain or build muscle.

I do believe that each person has a very individualized path to health and think it is important that they find their way to it.
Okay...first of all...thank you Cole for calling me out on this. I think I got a few things confused (as I often do sometimes). What I really meant was that I need to increase my protein intake as I get older in order to stave off muscle loss. Muscle loss affects the skeletal system and other aspects of health. My focus right now in my health is to get rid of as much belly fat as I can and maintain (and maybe even build a little in the right places) muscle.

I am still trying to figure the higher protein aspect out for me...this is a bit new. At the same time I am trying to get rid of fat. That's the thing...I know I have said I want to lose weight...that's not really accurate. Sure...I would like to get down to the probably the 240 range (at my fittest in the Marine Corps I was around 220, but that was when I was in my early 20s), but what is more important to me is that I get rid of fat and maintain or build muscle.

I do believe that each person has a very individualized path to health and think it is important that they find their way to it.
That wasn't meant to be a call out, just thought maybe you had some medical thing going on.

But yeah, as you get older, you most likely need more protein, and probably even more importantly, you should get larger doses at a time. Iirc around 25 g / serving of quality protein.

You might check out MyProtein if you're having a hard time finding protein supplements that don't have junk. There are some other great brands in the US as well, but I forget the names. We get unflavored whey and casein nothing else in it. Really easy to work with.

All I know is if you want to loose fat mass, and keep muscle mass is that weight training is the best bet. The good thing is for keeping muscle, you don't have to train super heavy if you don't want to or can't. Sets from 5-30 reps will all build muscle as long as you take them close to failure.
That wasn't meant to be a call out, just thought maybe you had some medical thing going on.
No...seriously...I appreciate it...whether you meant it that whey (see what I did there) or not. I can say some really stupid things sometimes just because I got my wires crossed.

I picked up a five pound bag of On Gold Standard Whey from Costco. It was a good compromise of affordability and clean-ish products. Still have no idea why some version of soy has to be in everything (actually I do...but I will keep this line of thinking to myself).

Gold Standard 100% Whey | Optimum Nutrition

But yeah...the strength training thing...I need to do a better job of going to failure...because I don't think I am doing quite enough.