The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Just took an actual outdoor walk today. Helena got me an insanely warm fleece from Patagonia and a couple of new base layers, so I was toasty in spite of the strong winds.

Otherwise, just hoping my legs recover from Saturday's deadlifts and belt squats.
Great session today, I felt really off when starting and even managed to scrape my head pretty good when I sat up from a warm up bench press set too close to the bar. My bar has some sharp center knurl and it felt like a dragged a cheese grater over the top of my head. :(
But once I got warmed up, I felt great and exceeded my expectations, with good clean strong sets. That's one of those best training feelings, especially when you started the session like this ...

Ouch. At least you didn't collapse back onto the bench and count birdies!
Only 5,600 steps this morning during my 45 min elliptical workout; mom did not join in as she has a visitor. Newfoundland has basically 0-2 cases per day for the past number of weeks, so they are generally much safer than we are .... but they still wear masks and social distance.
~6,000 steps (3 km) during my 45 mins on the elliptical this morning; mom joined in for 30 mins on her treadmill. New personal bests!
Leg day today, man my instincts were right, getting that spin bike was exactly what I needed to get the muscle to start to grow back on my quad that's a bit atrophied after knee surgery. I think it's about two years on, and finally it seems I've found a combo that works! Ot felt great today doing barbell squats and split squats, great session.

One stupid scare though, I'm supposed to do hamstring curls after the quad work, and it's been a bear to figure out a good way to do them at home.
We got some new foot straps that I thought I could attach a cable but it turned out super awkward and I felt a twinge in my back as I was reaching to hook them, mid 5th attempt at a possible working solution.
At this age and back twinge is cause for dread. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been rendered immobile with lumbago.
Well thank god, everything is fine now that I've cooled down. Next week, just going to do something simple instead.
45 mins and ~6,000 steps (3km) on the elliptical this morning and mom squeezed in 25 mins; she said her "bottom" was stiff after yesterday's record walk. Go mom!! :LOL:
With the New Years Eve finger-food sludge in my belly, I had to do an extra minute (46mins total) to hit the 6,000 step (3km) mark on the elliptical. My mom did 27 mins and guess what? SHE called ME to work out about an hour before our normal time together, as she also cooks New Years dinner the same as Christmas/Thanksgiving and wanted to fit in her exercise while the food was starting to cook and didn't need as much watching. 'Atta girl! 💃

I think that (next to retiring and my wife and I being in good health) working out with my 374 year-old mom is the best thing from 2020!
Since I had to do some light shoveling this morning (only about 1-2 inches, but with a tough hard slush underlayer), I cut my elliptical back to the 33 min program (4,400 steps, ~2.2km). Strangely enough, my mom was feeling tired as well after doing all the work for yesterday's New Years dinner (same stuff as Christmas) and only managed 20 mins. Still, we both managed to get in some exercise together and that's what counts.
Walked yesterday 5 miles with my wife in the drizzling rain. Thats our daily goal.

today, I felt really good after a 5 brisk mile walk with my wife late afternoon and My daughters met up with us on the last 1/3 on their skateboards. They were cruising all the hills in the neighborhood and I was feeling so good and the weather is “nice” that I about 90 mins later decided to head out for a quick 5mile jog to get back into the whole non-holiday activity vibe. It was basically a light jacket walk in the afternoon, but a bit more for the early evening. Changed sneakers and went out.

I thought i was cruising the rolling hills and mile 5 hit me like a ton of bricks, something in my head wanted to push on the last mile but i figured a mile cool down walk would be better than a mile of overuse and injury. Tomorrow is another day to train. I was ridiculously sopped with sweat because of the inbetween warm/cold outside temp as the sun went down and my layering. But it feels good to be getting fresh air and exercise. Its one of the few things i like about where I currently live.
Back to my 45 mins (6,000 steps, 3 km) elliptical routine this morning; Still sweating like crazy, so while my cardio is better, it's still a workout for me *whew*
83 year old mom joined in for 22 mins of treadmill work, which is pretty good, as she said she was tired after 5.
Weather is cold, wet, and overcast.

5 mile run route changed B to A instead of typical A to B. I enjoyed the run overall but what was interesting was that i definitely didnt prefer the way the route ran (the sights, the hills and the ending mile was visually ugly compared to to when its pretty nice as the opening mile in addition to the nice normal ending mile.

it felt really closed overall, what a weird feeling. HR was too high at 154 avg, I’d like it to be 135-140 in the same distance in a similar time or faster.