The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane


Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes.

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 20 Cardio Core

Had a great leg day yesterday. Feeling it a bit in my glutes! I feel like I'm back on track. Iryna has been noticeably absent from workouts, hopefully I can drag her to the workout tonight!
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical ... I left the INTERVAL program and went back to the GLUTE one.

Mom joined in for 35 mins on her treadmill. Other than that, all is normal.

Morning Walk/Run: 60 minutes.
Ended up in a rain storm about half way into my jog this morning. It was 70F, so it felt kind of good!

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 20 Total Body Core

Yesterday’s Cardio Core was a bit tough, because I went heavy on leg day and was a bit sore. I made it through and felt great after it was over. Now today, my body says no I’m sore, but I’m going to push through!
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

My 84 years-young mom clocked in 35 min on her treadmill, upping her speed to set a new distance PB of 0.92 miles. Kewl!

Morning Walk: 60 minutes.
Great walk this morning, no run as I'm still recovering from leg day, so I decided to take it easy.

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 22 Glutes

Still progressing in the workouts, yesterday the program changed from 3 sets of 10 to 2 sets of 15. It was great to switch it up, but then fatigue set in quick especially with the weight increases I've been pushing. The second set on several lifts, I had to back the weight down to maintain good form.
In spite of a truly crap day, got a great workout in both am and pm, well closer to pm and pm today, but had a delicious udon chicken dish between. So that's actually two good things, plus the Mrs. got her first dose of Pfizer's marvelous concoction.

Incline Bench Press 3x
Flat DB Bench Press 2x
Single Arm Overhead Triceps Extension 2x
Cable Straight Arm Pushdown 3x

Incline Lateral Raise 3x
Hammer Curl 2x
Wrist Curl 2x

Of course warming up on the Life Fitness iC4 bike. Man, it was pricey but, so worth it for me. I've been focused more on a faster cadence this cycle, as turning the resistance up was actually fatiguing me more that expected. Heart rate is the same either way, but fatigue is way less.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

Mommy joined in for 36 minutes on her treadmill, even though her legs were store from bending for gardening yesterday. She's a tough old bird.🐔
In addition to replanting the blown over Rose of Sharons .....

Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical ..... mom went for 36 mins on her treadmill as well.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical .... Mom only managed 25 mins this morning due to watching Richard Attenborough the undeniable call of nature.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

Mom joined in for 36 minutes on her treadmill, wondering why she is doing this every morning at 84 when she could be sitting on the couch instead. :ROFLMAO:

Even though the forecast shows rain all day, it's dry now, so I'll go do a couple buckets of dandelions. That'll be good for my lower back ... yup. :rolleyes:
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical .... mom joined in for 38 minutes on her treadmill this morning.

Aching all over from yesterday's weed pulling, which apparently uses different muscles than weights do. :unsure:
Sam is keeping this thread going!

I am almost done with my Farmer's Walk project. I was derailed a couple of times. I found some handles that I liked but I wasn't willing to pay a lot for them. So I enlisted the help of my brother. He found some 1/2 inch threaded steel (I have no idea what this stuff is really called) that was being tossed at work, cut them, then heated and bent at 90 degree angles. I need to get some nuts and washers and a long enough 1/2 drill bit to drill holes into my 4x4s. I am hoping to get this done this week so I can start my routine this weekend or next week. I'll need to cut that one down to size with a hacksaw or angle grinder. And I will need to figure out how to smooth out the grooves on the top portion of the handles (likely with tape), but this was a really good solution to what I wanted.


Morning Walk: 60 minutes.
In the rain..... Lame

This evening: Beach Body's 80 Day Obsession, Day 26 Cardio Flow. This is the last day of phase 1, so starting tomorrow I'll have new exercises to do. This is cool, looking forward to the change!

Feeling good, but I really need to start getting my evening workouts in earlier. I'm playing around with working earlier in the morning, then taking a mid-day break and getting my workout in. There have been too many times that I'm not working out until 11pm and finishing after midnight.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lb farmer's walk
- 3x8 @75lb bench press
- 3x8x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical .... mommy clocked in 38 mins on her treadmill and told me that her legs are getting more muscular as she can no longer wrap her hands around her leg above the kneecap and have her thumbs touch. 💃🦿

Even though I am still hurting from weeding, it looks like the rain might hold off today, so I will try to pull a couple of buckets of dandelions.