The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Yeah...basically I am doing (most of) the width of my back yard (100 foot width minus room on each side to turn around). I knew this was going to be really low weight. First's all the plates I have at the time (plan to get some 25 pounders soon). But also, I didn't want to throw my back out either until I knew how much I could handle. I was going to do only five "walks" of 80 feet at first. But I liked how they felt so I kept going. I'll do this a couple more times until I get my DIY project done. Once that is done, I expect it to be much more difficult. This is becasue now instead or two hands controling a weighted object...I will have a hand apiece controling an object that has weights on either side of it. It will look something like this:

Aww, man. :cautious: Here I was, thinking that you already built what you showed us in a last a few days ago. I was all , like.... Kewl!!!! (as da keedz wud say deez daze)
Aww, man. :cautious: Here I was, thinking that you already built what you showed us in a last a few days ago
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I'd really like to do this, and build one myself. But I don't really have much flat land near me. The yard out the door near my weight room is very sloped and hilly. I may only have about 30ft of flat ground, but it's also muddy most of the time. And I don't want to cart my weights to the driveway every other day to do this either. Ugh.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

VERY late workout today (1pm local time) as my wife's work had their annual presentation/meeting (webinar this year and last) for retirement planning. I think this makes year 6 we have been attending, just to see if anything new has cropped up. It's a 3-hour event, so my mom graciously accepted my suggestion to push our workout back a few hours. She's such a great lady. :love:

The weather has been nice enough that my wife and I went for a 45 min post-workday walk both Monday and Tuesday, and we'll probably go out again today.
Yesterday was back day, did barbell rows and pulldowns. Mostly just gauging how much weight to start with next block and dialing in the exercises.
The new belt I bought has made an huge difference for barbell rows. Lower back feels so much more stable.

Today chest, incline pressing, flyes and come shoulder work.

I'm feeling far better than I expected, and debating if I should take it easy already next week and then start the new block in earnest, vs one more week like I'm doing now first.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @70lb bench press
- 35 mins on the elliptical, with mom joining in fro 33 mins on her treadmill.

A MUCH more comfortable workout today than yesterday. I wonder if eating 2x 10" blueberry pancakes immediately before working out yesterday had any bearing on that? :unsure:
So I priced all the materials for my diy farmers walk stuff. Wow! Building materials got stupid expensive lately. A 4x4 is almost $50 right now, and the rest of the materials will be close to a $100. It might actually be cheaper for me to buy another curl bar and additional weights. Now, I am redoing my fence gate and I have to remove three 4x4s so I should be able to repurpose those. That's likely to happen on the next couple of weeks. So that would cut down on some expense. I'll figure it out.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical (Mom joined in to a full 35 mins and hit a new PB on her treadmill distance)

As I have pretty much run out of weight plates (2x2.5lb unallocated) and I am not inclined to be be moving plates around daily, I think I will start doing both the bench press and the dumbbell rows daily. Well, at least until my body says "stop doing that!" :ROFLMAO:. I know Don wants me to get some leg days in, but trust me, My upper and lower spaghetti limbs (used to be spaghettini!) are not out of proportion.
Finding a curl bar and some weights might not be that cheap or easy now either. Demand went through the roof with COVID, I hear prices on the used market are pretty high, and good luck finding new in stock. It can be done, but you have to on top of it when what you want comes in stock.
Mrs.Rich: ... Honey, what do you do for exercise every day?
Rich: ............ I go to the gym, dear.
Mrs.Rich: ... That's great, honey! What machines do you use? Treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine, peleton?
Rich: ............ None.
Mrs.Rich: ... So you use free weight instead?
Rich: ............. No, dear.
Mrs. Rich: ... So what do you do then?
Rich: ............. Like I said, I go to the gym. That's it. When I get there, I turn around and come back.
I will try to do both bench press and dumbbell rows daily going forward. Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @ 70lb bench press
- 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical, with mom joining in for 33 mins on her treadmill.
Felt a little woozy through most of yesterday, starting when on the elliptical. A good bit better this morning, but not entirely back to normal. I thought about forgoing today's exercise, but since I am doing doing anything potentially dangerous with high weights, I decided to go for it. I was fine until about 5 mins on the elliptical, when my slight bobbing and the room a little tipsy if I closed my eyes. Solution: keep my eyes open. Feeling okay now (~1.5 hrs later) but still going to take it easy for the rest of the day,

Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @70lb bench press
- 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical. Mom joined in for 34 mins on her treadmill.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @70lb bench press
- 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

Still not feeling 100% but MUCH better than the past few days. Mom hit a new distance PB in her 35 mins on the treadmill. Good for her!!