The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Did some deadlifts and good mornings today. Yesterday barbell rows and bench press. Got to test the new belt, really makes a difference, Lowe back didn't really feel a thing.

Nest week I'll start a pseudo-strength cycle for about 4 weeks most likely. Focused more on technique, low reps and heavier weights, but with lots of reps in reserve.

I want to try this for a few reasons, one is just to take a break from all the eating. Another is to get used to keeping a little more reps in reserve, which should help keep from burning out as bad next 'bodybuilding' block. Finally, just to really focus on technique without feeling the need to hammer out so many reps.

When I talk heavier weights, they are still laughably light, I guess that's part of why I like lifting. Strange as it sounds, after being really good at my former profession, I like sucking at something, but still really enjoying it.
...Nest week I'll start a pseudo-strength cycle for about 4 weeks most likely. ...
Pseudo-strength - Now THAT's what I'm all about! :ROFLMAO:
When I talk heavier weights, they are still laughably light, I guess that's part of why I like lifting. Strange as it sounds, after being really good at my former profession, I like sucking at something, but still really enjoying it.

What do you consider laughably light? Even though we are about the same size, your home-gym looks to be a great work-out room with plenty of varied exercises available, so I would think that our "light" definitions might no be matching up.

Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @70lb bench press
- 35 mins on the elliptical, with mom joining in for no-break 33 mins
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell row
- 35 mins on the elliptical

@dangerousdon If I had a second barbell, I think that might prove better for the Farmer's Walk than the EZ-curl bar. Alas, I only have 1 barbell and am not inclined to keep changing the amount of weight on it between exercises.

Mom joined in for 30 mins on her treadmill this morning, with a 5 minute break partway through. She was moving slabs of ice from the driveway yesterday as the chap that plows for her didn't make the 2nd pass to remove everything. Unsurprisingly, she's a little stiff today.
Did a nice easy 30 min ride on the spin bike today. It's been hard for me to keep it in the 'Fitness' range without going over, but today managed to stay well within. I'll take that as a sign that the fatigue from that long training block is passing and my over all heart fitness has improved.
I'm really happy I got the spin bike, it does make a big difference.

I guess pseudo-strength sounds weird, I just mean it's so short, that I don't expect much improvement, it's more just to help set up the next bodybuilding cycle. Sometimes it's also called a resensitization cycle, but I think that will elicit even worse jokes. I'll probably just keep it to about two more weeks after sleeping on it.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @70lb bench press
- 35 mins on the elliptical

No mom today (stomach issues), so I pushed harder on the elliptical and clocked in 200 more steps than normal.
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7x2 @50lb dumbbell rows
- 35 mins on the elliptical

No mom again today, but we did chat on Facetime, as her stomach issues are improved but not fully resolved yet.
I like it! Thanks for pointing this out to me Don!
Not a problem at all! I'm going to make my own set up. But in the meantime I will do a modified version with a curl bar like @woodpusher I will need to get more plates though and/or figure out a way to add weight to the DIY project.
Make a full box, and strap a baby carrier/car seat onto the front of it!
It would be a progressive workout, right? No need to add anymore the baby gets heavier...your workout increases!
Today's workout was:
- 150' @150lbs farmer's walk
- 3x7 @70lb bench press
- 35 mins on the elliptical

Mom is feeling much better this morning and joined in for 30 mins on her treadmill.
Sam @woodpusher an observation on your workouts, and feel free to give the double duce and yell, "Sod off you wanker!" 🤪

Are you doing any leg workouts outside of Cardio? I know the Famer's Walk works them some. But trying to build muscle I think you might be missing out build some of the biggest muscle groups in the body. Plus, things like squats and lunges help keep lower pack muscles strong.

In other words...don't skip leg day!

Outside of the Farmer's Walk, my leg work is all on the elliptical's GLUTE program. My shirt is soggy afterwards, so I know that I am not taking a casual stroll with the resistance setting I am using.
So...a couple things yesterday for workout...

I did the @woodpusher modified version of the Farmer's Walk. Started light (I think) ... 85 pounds x 10 walks (80 foot walks). I found this to be fairly easy difficulty so I will need to add more weight. I just didn't want to overdo it when I didn't really know what to expect. SO while this was a relatively light weight, I do have to say, that while I am not sore...I do feel like I worked some muscle groups and I have an overall well feeling. This weekend I will start gathering materials for my DIY Farmer's Walk project.

Other exercises from yesterday...

Dead Lifts: 3x10 at 55 pounds (easing back into weights)
Combo Move - Deadlift/Clean/Overhead Press: 1x10 55 pounds
Squats: 3x10 55 pounds

The other stuff...

So I went to the Orthopedic Doctor yesterday. My left knee swells up pretty much after every time I do something High Impact. I suspected osteoarthritis or something more problematic. She checked me out and determined that I have Iliotbial (IT) Band Syndrome.

This actually makes a lot of sense. Since I have had lower back issues my hips have been super tight. I don't stretch enough and I certainly don't warm up before exercise.

The doctor said that we could do a steroid shot, but didn't recommend it at this stage. I didn't opt for this route. She basically said stretching is my best friend. Some strengthening exercises. And that when I feel the need to call her physical therapists for some dry needling. She also recommended some antioxidants to help with inflammation (the doc is big on gut health and says ibuprofen and Tylenol really destroy the gut biome...she said only take if you really need to). But she said that I absolutely need to start doing some high intensity exercises again...especially if I want to live to 130 and be very healthy at that age. 🤪
Outside of the Farmer's Walk, my leg work is all on the elliptical's GLUTE program. My shirt is soggy afterwards, so I know that I am not taking a casual stroll with the resistance setting I am using.
Sure, Sure, Sure...excuses for skipping leg day! 🤪

Congrats on started the Farmer's Walks, Don. Did I read it correctly that you're doing a total of 800'? If so, You might want to reduce that distance once you start upping weight and are able to gauge how your back reacts. Given our size disparity, your walk looks to be light weight - high rep type of work. I think it is a better way to start than my "let's do my body weight the 2nd time I try this exercise." :ROFLMAO: