The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

Deadlifting socks!! Oh man, you ARE hardcore!
Cheaper than shaving soap!

My barbell has really sharp knurling, as evidenced by the chuck it scrapped off my head! Shins always get a little torn up ifs I do deadlifts in shorts.

I'm not hardcore, I bet most guys here can lift more than me, I just like doing it.
No mommy to walk with me again this morning. :cry: She wasn't feeling overly well last night and this morning. It could possible be the coconut chicken my brother brought her from a Chinese take-out. My thinking is that the coconut or another spice didn't sit too well with her belly.
Hope it nothing serious! Hang in there mom!
The flat bench (and using a proper grip) made for a not-painful bench press for upper body work prior to hitting the elliptical for 45 mins / 5,400 steps. Mom is back with me again and did 30 mins, albeit at a even lower pace than normal as she is still not 100%. At least she's there!
Okay guys...I am WAY overdo for some running shoes. But man...I think I have an unusual pattern. Looking at the soles of my shoe it looks like according to the wear...that the forward portion of my shoe is wearing like I have a neutral gait and that the heel of my shoe looks like I am pronating. I will admit that these were not the best shoes in the world. I was trying a more minimalist approach to shoes and now know that it isn't the best for me. Anyway...I am looking to get a new pair soon and inclined to get either some Hooka shoes, Brooks, Mizuno, or go with my "go to" New Balance. Anyway...wondering if any of you had thoughts. By the way...I am definitely going with a pair of fully cushioned running shoes this time around.

By cushioned you mean the super high stacks like hokas? Or basic cushion thats not minimalist/barefoot?

the brooks adrenaline gts (stabilization) is on sale on amazon right now for $70 vs 130 (thx slickdeals).

I’ve been using a bunch of various recent brooks models. Not all the latest models, but some are current, but maybe only a season or 2 behind. But i’ve put ~65 miles on everything but the Hyperions. I think the adrenalines would be a great shoe for you given what I’ve seen compared to what ive tried and like below. Usually running 5miles each time.

launch6 - wouldnt buy 6s again, maybe i would try the latest 8 or the revels.
Levitate2 & 3 - really really like 2s but relatively heavy. Would definitely like to try the 4s. 3s didnt change much from 2s but felt slightly smaller in volume.
Ricochet - I like these, would try the newest version. I ran 13 miles on these and felt fine.
Hyperion tempo - i like these alot. Light and wide with cushion, but not ghost cushion
Hyperion elite2 - i really really really liked these. Felt great - for my wider feet. Too bad they arent meant for what i need. I probably may suck it up and just buy these again on sale.

I would definitely like to try ghosts. (I think i mayr have tried glycerins at nordstrom rack and it was like clouds. Didnt buy though because bought so many other shoes)

The adrenalines look like it overlaps with the ghosts a bit for cushioning.

As well as id like to try the hokas, saucony kinvara, ride or endorphins, and maybe a merrell gloves too (minimalist). But i’ve got way more miles to do on the shoes i have before i start looking to add to the stable.

TLDR. Brooks adrenaline gts on sale


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Ive spent a lot of time while running thinking about the feel of the shoes lately and understanding the differences. Especially as the YouTube reviews are hard to get a sense without knowing who they are, what they like/value, etc.

i badly broke my tibial plateau about 7-8 yrs ago and thought i would never run again or would have knee and biomechanic issues. I recall the surgeon telling me i would need a cane, would have arthritis issues and eventually need a knee replacement. then a year after he said i should be 100% 😂 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Broke my collar bone and forked up my left shoulder 2 years ago and I’ve managed to recover ok.

so i am slightly surprised how much i liked the firm midsoles or the barefoot/minimal

some of the research is saying the cushion isnt as helpful as we’d like or expected. especially with poor foot strike mobement compounding the issue on the knees. I feel like a close but not quite similar argument was made against getting hit with “cushion” softballs a decade ago cant recall exactly.
some of the research is saying the cushion isnt as helpful as we’d like or expected. especially with poor foot strike mobement compounding the issue on the knees. I feel like a close but not quite similar argument was made against getting hit with “cushion” softballs a decade ago cant recall exactly.
I have read research arguing for and against. I am just looking for something that doesn't make my knee swell when I walk/run. And something that doesn't feel so jarring as some of the minimalist shoes I have tried.
45 mins and 5,500 sweaty steps on the elliptical this morning, along with 3x5x2 @50lbs dumbbell rows for the upper body. Mom joined in for 30 mins, even through she was tired and will be "getting more exercise making groceries" later on. :)
45 mins and 5,500 sweaty steps on the elliptical this morning
Everyone i know who has a peloton loves it. Some have given up outdoor fitness.
i know yours is obviously not a peloton, but how do you feel about indoor vs outdoor. do you even care?

On one hand, awesome to get in that workout whenever you want regardless of outside environment, but i really enjoy the change in scenery although my route scenery has become 1 of 3 or 4 routes.

do you have to worry about shoe cushioning degradation?
Outdoors would be preferable, but indoor does have its advantages:
- get some exercise when you want to
- outdoor climate (rain, snow, slippery sidewalks, temps) doesn't matter
- I can up the resistance to actually get a 45 min "muscle" workout on the legs rather than just body weight (No, I won't carry a sack of potatoes outdoors)
- I can go at a pace that makes me sweat -vs- a stroll with my wife

Not says I don't love walking with wifey (I do!), but it's not really exercise for me. We have an older model Precor EFX5.17i, but since Peloton just both Precor ... I do have a Peloton! 🤪

As long as you have good shoes (I have orthotic inserts due to a very high arch, says the doc), the heel of your shoe should last for a VERY long time compared to outdoor walking or a treadmill, as contact is maintained 100% of the time. The inserts and shoe will ear down eventually but not for a whle, as the elliptical is low/non-impact.
It's not just a difference between indoor and outdoor. Especially when I was younger, I was outdoors a lot, skateboarding, jogging etc....Still I had a Nordic Track and used it regularly too. It was just different, and one heck of a great workout.

That's pretty much how I feel about the spin bike now, it's a functional item, easy on the joints, and I enjoy just looking out the window on it.

At least here, options are limited (pre-pandemic) there's always someone in the way, or an inconvenient stop light, not to mention the weather.

I happy using the bike for cardio fitness, and leave the walks etc for enjoyment. But if I were a runner, I'm not sure how I'd feel about the treadmill, I think I'd rather just use some other option indoors.

Now dang, I wish Nordic Track still made those indoor ski machines, they were amazing!
Dropped my resistance from 12/20 back to 11, as I think the jump from 10 to 12 was too much too fast. Hit 6,000 steps in my 45 mins rather than the ~5,400 @resistance 12. Once I start hitting 6,300-6,400 on a regular basis, then I will revisit upping to 12 again. A bonus of dropping back to 11 is that I can now carry on a semi-normal conversation with my mom rather than huffing and puffing 2-3 words per breath. Mom only clocked in 25 mins this morning and took 2 breaks; she's tired after probably not eating properly for the past few days where she wasn't feeling well. Plus she said that for the past few years she gets a little down in the month or so leading up to her birthday. Still, she's a trooper and the morning "walk" with me is motivation for her to get out of bed.
Ive spent a lot of time while running thinking about the feel of the shoes lately and understanding the differences. Especially as the YouTube reviews are hard to get a sense without knowing who they are, what they like/value, etc.

i badly broke my tibial plateau about 7-8 yrs ago and thought i would never run again or would have knee and biomechanic issues. I recall the surgeon telling me i would need a cane, would have arthritis issues and eventually need a knee replacement. then a year after he said i should be 100% 😂 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Broke my collar bone and forked up my left shoulder 2 years ago and I’ve managed to recover ok.

so i am slightly surprised how much i liked the firm midsoles or the barefoot/minimal

some of the research is saying the cushion isnt as helpful as we’d like or expected. especially with poor foot strike mobement compounding the issue on the knees. I feel like a close but not quite similar argument was made against getting hit with “cushion” softballs a decade ago cant recall exactly.
Wow, that's some serious s?*t!

My experience with the more recent soft super cushioned shoes is the same, it make matters worse in the long haul. There's a middle ground.

I don't run, but walk a lot and was using Saucony's they were great for me until a couple of years ago they went with the super cushioned soles. Felt great for short walks, but anything longer and my joints were wrecked. I wound up replacing them with a pair of Brooks Ghost's which have been excellent for me.

I still use the Saucony Perirgine Ice for winter, that Vibram Arctic really helps in the ice. Not perfect but noticeably better.
Not nearly as beat up from this week's squat day compared to last week, so todays horizontal pull session went really well. Knock on wood!
The new knee sleeves were just the ticket too, perfect fit and support.
Wow, that's some serious s?*t!

My experience with the more recent soft super cushioned shoes is the same, it make matters worse in the long haul. There's a middle ground.

I don't run, but walk a lot and was using Saucony's they were great for me until a couple of years ago they went with the super cushioned soles. Felt great for short walks, but anything longer and my joints were wrecked. I wound up replacing them with a pair of Brooks Ghost's which have been excellent for me.

I still use the Saucony Perirgine Ice for winter, that Vibram Arctic really helps in the ice. Not perfect but noticeably better.
Yeah, it was a rough decade for me, lots of injuries, big and small. i went from being super active before kids to kind of mediocre active after.

i noticed that my waking gait has a way heavier heel strike when i am moving slow. I think it wrecked some adidas boost heel i was wearing for walks back over the summer. Plus i am a heavy guy (relatively) so listening to 120-150lb people tell me about midsole cushioning was difficult. I have a pair of ghosts perpetually in my cart, just sitting there. I need to push the button.

im staying out of snow/ice with any shoes for now. Luckily DC area has been quick to warmup and melt snow and ice by midday. Its been 20 years since I wore my snowshoes. Would love to put the running ones on again.
Yeah, it was a rough decade for me, lots of injuries, big and small. i went from being super active before kids to kind of mediocre active after.

i noticed that my waking gait has a way heavier heel strike when i am moving slow. I think it wrecked some adidas boost heel i was wearing for walks back over the summer. Plus i am a heavy guy (relatively) so listening to 120-150lb people tell me about midsole cushioning was difficult. I have a pair of ghosts perpetually in my cart, just sitting there. I need to push the button.

im staying out of snow/ice with any shoes for now. Luckily DC area has been quick to warmup and melt snow and ice by midday. Its been 20 years since I wore my snowshoes. Would love to put the running ones on again.
I didn't expect to end up with the Ghosts. I think I'm as bad as you about reading lots of reviews, but that time I decided I was sick of ordering shoes online. So when we were back in California I went to a Roadrunner and was there for at least an hour trying shoes, going back and forth between them.
Brooks were low on my list, butI kept coming back to them, they just sat right even with a higher build than I was used to.
The staff didn't seem to mind, but my poor wife, thankfully she found shoes there too. Trying them on in person is the way to go if you can.