The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

It so cool now how you can virtually exercise virtually anywhere you want to now.

So for you elliptical guys. Do you ever get that feeling that you're going backwards?

Seriously, 40 min on one of those is an accomplishment, they've always made my quads burn like fire within 10 minutes.
I know if I had enough space (I think I do but the wife doesn't want the covered patio all cluttered up...or so she says) I would love both a rowing machine and an elliptical. With those to pieces of equipment I think you can really do a lot. I used to spend a lot of time on the elliptical when I had a gym membership. But it was just the elliptical...and nothing more. I found myself quickly settling m to the same pace, same incline, same routine everyday. With the ability to do different progressive I can feel the burn over here!
yeah. just like walking, your feet need to go forward at the top of the cycle and not the bottom lol the machine just doesn't care lol
Ah, yeah of course that, it just often feels like I'm trying to go backward even thought I'm going 'forward'.
I guess you don't get that feeling, I've had other people tell me the same.
Yup, you can reverse pedal to work different muscles. I'm not there yet as I'm still trying to find the muscles that make me move forward :geek:. On a very low incline, Cole, it can feel "backwards". Ours has an adjustable ramp, so I'm always hill climbing right from the start, never near flat.
Elliptical, no kilt, undies, fan, no ice bucket .... I think I'm set for a non- @uacowboy non-Highland walk/workout. ;)

45 mins and 6,100 steps was a good sweat. The fan on low-speed placed about 12 feet away realy did help. Only had to use the sweat towel at the end rather than about 3x during the session. Dumbbells rows this morning as my upper body exercise.

Mom put in another 33 mins as well.
She asked/said: "I'm almost 84. What am I doing this every day for?"
Me: "For about 30 minutes or so." 🤪
Elliptical, no kilt, undies, fan, no ice bucket .... I think I'm set for a non- @uacowboy non-Highland walk/workout. ;)

45 mins and 6,100 steps was a good sweat. The fan on low-speed placed about 12 feet away realy did help. Only had to use the sweat towel at the end rather than about 3x during the session. Dumbbells rows this morning as my upper body exercise.

Mom put in another 33 mins as well.
She asked/said: "I'm almost 84. What am I doing this every day for?"
Me: "For about 30 minutes or so." 🤪

The Cadre has taught you well!

You're mom sent this for me to pass on -

45 mins on the elliptical saw me reach only 5,400 steps compared to my normal 6,000-6,200. Hmmm ... I wonder if increasing the resisting from 10/20 to 12 might have had something to do with the slower pace. 🤔 That puts it at 120 steps/min where is where I started out at in early December, which isn't too bad actually. We'll see where I'm at pace-wise in mid-February. Hopefully 2 1/2 weeks at this new level will see me get back to 6,000 steps (~133/min). Mom tagged in at 33 mins as well this morning.
Yesterday since I was doing a bit of fasting my exercise routine was a little more restful. I kept to stretching and then a walk. I usually use a weighted back pack and walk at a brisk pace for approximately 2.5 to 3 miles. Yesterday since I was in a fasted state...I did a purposeful walk. No weighted back pack and while not an exerting was just above a leisurely walk. I did this for a little over four miles.

Today's exercise will be a weighted walk for about 30 minutes and then after I break my fast...later in the day I will do some strength training.
Stayed at my "new" resistance level of 12 on the elliptical and I felt it for sure. Managed to plad through my 45 mins, hitting 5,400 steps again but felt more tired than yesterday. 3x5x2 50lb dumbbell rows was my pre-elliptical upper body work. Mom clocked in 33mins and 0.75 miles on her treadmill. Her goal is now to hit that distance daily rather than watch her time.
Went for easy long run yesterday with my kids. It was cold and windy and the run was ~70mins at zone2 HR which is under 130bpm. I spent around 135-140. Felt really ok until i hit 10 mins left and was emotionally tired, i felt like i could feel randome twangs of pain in my calf every so often bit not often enough, so when my youngest said she was good to stop, I acquiesced and fast walked the remaining 3/4of a mile.
No mom with me today as my brother was coming up to visit her, so I managed to get in 5,600 steps during my 45 mins on the elliptical. I guess talking with her "costs me" ~200 steps. 🤪 A fee I will gladly pay! 3x5 @70lbs incline bench press for upper body.
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No mommy to walk with me again this morning. :cry: She wasn't feeling overly well last night and this morning. It could possible be the coconut chicken my brother brought her from a Chinese take-out. My thinking is that the coconut or another spice didn't sit too well with her belly.

As for me, I tweaked my wrist yesterday doing my incline bench press and think it was do to a poor grip. I've since dropped the bench back to flat as I had no issue with that. 45 mins on the elliptical saw my hit 5,500 steps, with my upper body work being 3x5x2 @50lbs dumbbell rows. No problem with the rows as the wrist is in-line with the forearm.
Oh man @woodpusher, sorry about your mom, and. your wrist. Incline can be funky to un-rack depending on the set up

First training week of the metabolite meso is done. Basically that means one exercise that's all about getting a burn. Am I sore! I doubt I'll go more than 3 weeks this meso, but we'll see. Just feeling like it's getting time to give my joints a break. Defo trying to be conservative this meso and get through.

I was totally wiped out after the leg session on Tuesday, but felt good agin Thursday, but now my back and shoulders are sore thanks to pull ups and high rows yesterday.

The second leg session on Saturday was kind of fun, doing sprints on the spin bike for metabolite. That bike has really been a game changer in the health department, I feel better, and the heart rate monitor seems to indicate my cardiovascular is better. That from just doing a 10 minute warm up ride a day on average.

I also got to try the deadlift socks I picked up with the new knee sleeves. I didn't think it would do much, but they actually were great, just didn't worry about grating my shins, and they are warm. :)
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