I’d been lifting a couple of times a week for the last two months or so. That’s increased to daily since captivity started. Luckily I have a nice adjustable set of dumbbells (5-60 lbs; 2.5 lb increments to 25 and 5 lb increments to 60) and bench in my basement. I’ve been doing workout program on an app. Nothing too crazy (7-8 exercises; takes 25-35 minutes to complete), but plenty to get a good workout. Here was today’s regimen (chest/arms):
- Mountain Climbers, 2 x 30 seconds
- Push ups - 3 x 20 reps
- Incline Chest Press - 3 x 10 reps
- Incline Chest Flys - 3 x 10 reps
- Bicep Curl with Supination - 3 x 10 reps
- Squat with Bicep Curl - 3 x 10 reps
- V Ups - 3 x 20 reps
I’ve also been doing plank challenges.
If you hate yourself If you want to get a good workout without any equipment, I highly recommend the 30-day plank challenge app. Gets you doing it everyday with gradual increases. By the end of beginner level 2, you do a 4:30 minute plank! That’s pretty impressive.
Finally, I recently received as a gift the torture device pictured below. You assume the plank position on this thing and put your phone in the slot. You then play games by rotating/wobbling/balancing. I’ve been playing like a space invader game. It’s actually kind of fun (until you realize what you’re doing

All to say, working out has kept me sane the last 10 days or so. Really planning to keep it up! Fortunately, I’m blessed with a very fast metabolism, but I’d gotten quite “soft” over the last few years. No one would ever confuse me for a big guy, but the last couple of months have produced some pretty decent gains in strength and definition. Tangible progress is a strong motivator.
Anyway, thanks for reading this long post! I encourage everyone to do something physical daily—particularly while we are trapped in our homes. It’s hard to get started, but gets easier as a routine develops. I’ll try to update regularly.