The Shaving Cadre

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Staying Fit Staying Sane

I think that I might have over-arched my lower back a few days ago during the bench press. It's still a little tight this morning, so I just went with my standard 45 mins / 6,100 steps on the elliptical. Mom clocked in at 32 mins on her treadmill.
Just set up one dumbbell @50lbs and pulled off 3 sets of 5 reps with each arm. Didn't want to go further, just trying to pay attention to form. Watch me be totally zonked tomorrow when I wake up. 🤪
Pulled back from 5 sets of bench press and went with 3x5 this morning prior to my 45 mins / 6,000 steps on the elliptical. Mom came along for 30 mins of treadmill work and even upped her pace a smidgen.
Leftside lats were letting me know they were there when I woke up this morning. Still, I went with 3x5x2 dumbbell rows (50lbs) which is enough sets/reps for me at present. My 45 mins / 6,100 steps on the elliptical were as sweaty as ever, so I know this is giving me a good bit of exercise as well. It might not make me as massive as @Spider wants me to be 🤪 but incrementally, I am in noticeably better shape than when I started in early December. Mom put in 32 mins on her treadmill as well.

Have a great day, all y'all!
Started the week off right with a 45 minute weighted walk (two SAPI Plates - roughly 20 pounds) at a brisker pace than I usually walk.

Ate lunch and after a bit did my weight routine (completed in 20 minutes).

The funny thing is that I got the old ticker going faster during weights than the walk. Still, most of today was in the fat burn zone as opposed to the cardio zone.
3x5 (70lbs) bench press before hitting the elliptical for 45 mins and 6,200 steps. This weight seems good as I'm working to finish the last set. Maybe in a year I can do 6 reps 🤪. Mom managed to put in 32 mins on her treadmill; hard to believe she'll be 84 in a few months.
Leftside lats were letting me know they were there when I woke up this morning. Still, I went with 3x5x2 dumbbell rows (50lbs) which is enough sets/reps for me at present. My 45 mins / 6,100 steps on the elliptical were as sweaty as ever, so I know this is giving me a good bit of exercise as well. It might not make me as massive as @Spider wants me to be 🤪 but incrementally, I am in noticeably better shape than when I started in early December. Mom put in 32 mins on her treadmill as well.

Have a great day, all y'all!
Not sure I follow your notation.
Does that mean you did 3 sets of 5 reps with a 25 lb dumbbell in each hand, or 50 lbs both sides for one arm rows?
3 sets, 5 reps, x2 = each hand. I think that's the right way to describe dumbbell work ... I looked it up on the interwebinetz🧑‍🎓, so it has to be correct! 🤪

50 lbs is what's on a dumbbell. Well, 45lbs of plates + a 5lb dumbbell bar/locks.
3 sets, 5 reps, x2 = each hand. I think that's the right way to describe dumbbell work ... I looked it up on the interwebinetz🧑‍🎓, so it has to be correct! 🤪

50 lbs is what's on a dumbbell. Well, 45lbs of plates + a 5lb dumbbell bar/locks.
No right or wrong, as long as you know what you mean!

No wonder your lats were sore, that's fairly heavy compared to the bench, especially just out of the gate like that.
The take home point of my lame programming post is it's ok if you don't just do straight 3x5. You get more fatigued every set so 3 @ 5, 4, 3 is also good, and won't beat you ups so much, or 6,5,4 etc....
Of course that's just one of many ways to do this. If 3x5 etc clicks for you, stick with it. Just be safe is all.
First leg day of the new meso, totally destroyed, but in a good way.

Noticed my knee sleeves were getting a little long in the tooth so ordered a new pair just now. They make all the difference between good and bad pain.
The dumbbell weight is fine, Cole, and I'm pulling the final set without issue, even with my non-dominant left arm. Perhaps I'll take the first set at 8 reps and see how that plays out. I could do more weight on the bench press, but taking more safeguards there as there's not the same "easy out" if fatigued as there is with the dumbbell rows. My upper body isn't sore anymore when I wake up, but I know they are getting some exercise that they have not seen on a regular basis since the mid-90s.

Having seen pics of your setup at home , I know that your workouts are much more intense (both activity amounts as well as duration) than mine. I started on the elliptical in early December and still working on making exercise a part of my natural morning routine. I'll get there eventually.
Did my typical weighted walk today around noon. But for a while now I have noticed that my heart rate barely breaks 100 BPM when I do matter the pace I walk. So today, whenever my heart rate dipped below 110 BPM I would go ahead and jog for a bit (well, at least what I call a jog). Not much...about a tenth of a mile...just enough to get my heart rate going. And then I would start the walk again until the heart rate dipped below 110. And I would repeat this.

I understand that the body adapts pretty easily to cardio activities and that in order to get things going again you need to up the game. I am just at a point where I can't do continual running like I have in the past on account of my knee, and ankle, and back. So far I feel pretty good and it appears that the knee handled it well. I need to pull out the bike again.