The Shaving Cadre

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I might get a couple more of that color just to have them in stock. The teal shined up nicely.
What different colors are there? Anything like silver or metallic?
There are several colors available, and that's just through the place I've been buying from so far. I actually have a blank that has a metallic look to it, and that's one that I'll be using to make a handle for myself(probably).

Fantastic work Eric!

Thanks Shawn!

On a much needed vacation for a week, hanging out with family and doing as many mundane and relaxing things as possible, but there are a few projects ready to go in The Dungeon that I'll be starting on when I get home.
I got a new acquisition for The Dungeon on Christmas.

A sharpening system for my lathe tools. Actually, it could be used to sharpen just about anything(except straight razors) with the addition of a few accessories, and I’ll probably be adding to it over time.

I’ve been using a belt sander to sharpen my tools freehand since I started wood turning. It’s worked well enough for the most part, but over time the angles on my spindle gouge and bowl gouge have gone pretty far off. Since I use those on every project, it was necessary to find a better way. It was a pain to set the jig up, but the results were worth it. All but two of my lathe tools have been put to the wheels, and they are better now than they were when I got them, since I changed the angles a bit from what they were originally. It’s easy to use, and I can get identical, repeatable results.
Congrats on the new rig! Looks shiny great!

Any chance of documenting/videoing some of the 1 Year Anniversary brush process , time allowing?
Congrats on the new rig! Looks shiny great!

Any chance of documenting/videoing some of the 1 Year Anniversary brush process , time allowing?
Yeah, so we know you aren't outsourcing these big orders to China ??? Kidding aside, That would be cool to see though
Hey...I am all for anything that helps out your process to make a damn fine shave brush!
Congrats on the new rig! Looks shiny great!

Any chance of documenting/videoing some of the 1 Year Anniversary brush process , time allowing?
Yeah, so we know you aren't outsourcing these big orders to China
Kidding aside, That would be cool to see though
I've been planning on doing some documenting since the the subject of the 1st anniversary brush was brought up. The only question is how in depth it will be. I'll have to play that by ear, though I know what I'd like to do if time permits.

Very nice Eric! Does that one have a low speed motor?

Thanks Shawn! It does have a low speed motor. Tops out at 1750 RPM, which is great for putting an edge on these tools while massively reducing the chance of bluing the steel. I might eventually look into getting a couple CBN wheels for it, but I imagine that would be pretty far in the future.
Good to hear it's slow speed. Would be ideal if it had water trays in the bottom to keep the stones wet, but a bucket close by will still be good to keep the tools cool. Very nice!
Good to hear it's slow speed. Would be ideal if it had water trays in the bottom to keep the stones wet, but a bucket close by will still be good to keep the tools cool. Very nice!

I'm happy with it. It's nice and quiet. Water trays would be nice, but I have a small dish on the workbench next to it that does the trick.
Great video Eric. When my wife saw the PayPal charge on the CC statement, she asked me what it was for. When I told her, she asked "how many brushes do you need!?" I had no answer for her. I bring this up because if you were considering quitting your day job, I likely will not be able to help you out much.

Of course the correct answer is "one more than I have now."