The Shaving Cadre

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Most of the blanks for the 1st Anniversary brush came in last week.

And step one of the process; gluing a tenon block onto the blank so I can fit it into the chuck. The blanks are only about 1-2mm longer than the handle will be, so there is no room for waste material. I left my good pipe clamps at my BIL's, but these cheapies work just fine for this.

I don't know what i am more excited about. Watching the process of these brushes being made or that i actually get one once they are done!
Also posted in the !st Anniversary Brush thread, but I figured I'd put it in here as well. The handles that are finished and ready for a knot:




The Works in Progress:


The ones that didn't make it:

Beautiful and unique...each one! Nice job so far Eric!

Sorry Daves, looks like your brushes didn’t make it...