The Shaving Cadre

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Lol thanks guys! Matching brush and scales with that might be a little tough. The place I've ordered from so far only has the brush blanks, but I'll keep my eye out for people that sell both.

The hybrid blanks are almost always made using burl. I was at the Detroit branch of my work the other day, and noticed one that I'd never paid attention to before. It's amazing that something so ugly can be turned into something so awesome.

I wanted to grab a chainsaw and take it home with me lol. I didn't really put anything in there to show scale, but it's about 3 feet high. Just think of all the hybrid blanks that could be made with that!

Kinda looks like a tree tumor!

It IS a tumor! lol

I got back from Indianapolis late last night/this morning, and had to work today, but I managed to get into The Dungeon for the little while after. While I was waiting for an ongoing project to dry enough to get to the next step I got started on a new set of scales. It will be a matching brush and straight razor set when it's finished, but for now the brush looks like this:

And the scales look like this:

As with most stuff in The Dungeon, making it start to look good didn't take very long. The finish and detail work from now on will take the lion's share of the time, and it's pretty much on hold until I get some other stuff out of the way first, barring the occasional "what can I do for the next half hour?" moment.
Thanks guys! I've found that I really like working with stabilized wood. I've got to get a vacuum chamber set up soon so I can start doing that myself.
Hey folks, sorry about the lack of posting. My regular job has been downright insane for most of the month of August, and I have barely been able to get down to The Dungeon for the last couple weeks. I tried to make up for some lost time the last few days, and managed to get almost caught up. Here is the latest brush. It has a set of matching scales that are almost done as well, and I'll post pics of those soon.
