The Shaving Cadre

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The other one went into a beehive that was one of the first ones I ever turned, and I PIFed it to a friend a year and a half ago.

Okay...since you have mentioned you still do bee hive style brushes? Do you have pics? Inquiring minds want to know!
Okay...since you have mentioned you still do bee hive style brushes? Do you have pics? Inquiring minds want to know!

I have done a couple in the past, and would be willing to give another a go. The trouble I had with them was getting the CA in the ridges without it filling them in. That caused a few problems when it was time to sand and polish it. It would probably burn through a lot of paper towel(which is what I use to apply the CA), but I think I could make it work.

I have one hybrid that I made ages ago that has been sitting in a drawer ever since, and I could probably find it and post a pic. Hybrid meaning the top is beehive shaped, and the bottom is a standard knob shape.
I have one hybrid that I made ages ago that has been sitting in a drawer ever since, and I could probably find it and post a pic. Hybrid meaning the top is beehive shaped, and the bottom is a standard knob shape.

Ooh...that would be interesting!

I am guessing a bee hive shape would be best for a resin or other material that doesn't need sealing.
Ooh...that would be interesting!

I am guessing a bee hive shape would be best for a resin or other material that doesn't need sealing.

This was one of my first attempts at making a composite handle, and is probably among the first five handles I ever turned. The bottom is black walnut and the top is padauk. It has been sitting in a drawer, unfinished, for a very long time lol. I've improved my finishing process and might try to get it done someday, but due to how I had to do things back then, the knot hole is just barely off center enough to make finishing it on the lathe a potential nightmare. You can also see on the top crease where the CA pooled a little and is slightly bubbled, making it look like a white line.

I just recorded a short video in The Dungeon, and hope to have it posted before too long. I'll need to come up with an intro first, so it might be a while lol.
That is a great shape Eric. And trust me, that finish is still much better than my pathetic attempt at doing a CA finish. I see where it could be a real pain in those little grooves though.
That is a great shape Eric. And trust me, that finish is still much better than my pathetic attempt at doing a CA finish. I see where it could be a real pain in those little grooves though.
Thanks Shawn! If I recall correctly that has about 9 coats of CA on it, and I didn't even start sanding once I saw the bubbling. Trying to remove it would require going down to the bare wood and starting over in that area. Don't ask how I know this lol.

I have to agree...if that shape is doable...I might be the first in line to get one?

I'll play around with it when I'm able, and if I come up with a workable solution for the grooves you will be the first to know. I wish I were set up to spray CA. That would make everything easier and less time consuming. The venting requirements for something like that are insane though, and not at all cost effective for me to set up.
Got some stuff back from Eric today. A brush refinish and a matching set of shoes for a Wade & Butcher razor, as well as a new brush made of Pink Ivory wood! Outstanding stuff Eric, they came out better than I expected!! I posted an unboxing video in other sections of the forum.

Got some stuff back from Eric today. A brush refinish and a matching set of shoes for a Wade & Butcher razor, as well as a new brush made of Pink Ivory wood! Outstanding stuff Eric, they came out better than I expected!! I posted an unboxing video in other sections of the forum.

Thanks Josh! The color of that Pink Ivory once it's got some finish on it still gets me, and the subtle grain in it is awesome.

I recently turned my first hybrid brush. Part wood, part resin. Turning the resin is a different experience, but still fun. It requires higher speeds and extra sharp tools to make it work, and I'm pretty happy with the results so far.
Really fantastic Eric.

Shoot I’d have been fine just having the polished cubes...