The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


I actually sped the video up double time. It gets pretty monotonous at regular speed lol.

It's only spinning at around 2k RPM. What could possibly go wrong? :D
I was afraid we would find out exactly that.
I did a google search for “nine fingered shop teachers” and nothing came back! Is shop no longer in schools?
The shop teacher in my high school lost the tops of two of his fingers. Ironically on the first day of shool when he was teaching the kids how to safely use the planer. This was around '93-'94.
Well folks, Sorrentino Brushworks is officially(temporarily) closed down. It actually has been for a while, but I figured a "better-late-than-never" post here was warranted lol. The Dungeon is going into storage until I find another place where I can set it up. No idea when that will be at the moment, but I'll update here and in my journal if anything changes. If I mess around with other various smaller projects I'll post them here. I still have a drawer full of straight razors that are in various stages of restoration that I don't need a whole workshop to make some progress on.

I'd like to thank every one of you that supported me in this very enjoyable hobby. To those who ordered a brush or set of scales and showed them off in posts throughout the forums, it is a craftman's greatest joy to see others take pleasure in something he has made. Thank you.
Hope it happens for you soon! Till then, my 1 Anniversary brush will be highly treasured!
I hope this is a short term issue. You are a true craftsman and artist. I use my 1st anniversary brush nearly everday.
I hope everything gets sorted in due time, Eric. I'll be waiting right behind Tim for one of your beautiful brushes, and I'll be doing the bunny ear thing too.