The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun



CBL Ghost Grape Soda- it's rare to find a Grape scented soap so was excited for this one. It does smell like Grape with a slight Dimatap vibe. Glad Chris noted that this is softer than usual and is pretty much a cream consistancy. The Ghost cooling pairs great with this kind of scent. Whipped up a thick lather with no issues.

CBL Insurgent- this scent smells very familiar and I believe I had a Oleo sample that smells like this, hard to describe but it is a Cologne type scent that is not too strong. Accidently forgot to take a lather shot but this formula is very good and has a harder texture than the other CBL soaps. Had a decent shave but had to change out this Vintage blade as it was tugging something fierce, had a feeling this was going to happen since the blade is thick and Blue Steel but had to try it out.


My Father picked up these blades from a Estate sale. He's always on the hunt for shaving gear and hit a jackpot on this one! Have heard great things about Persona 74's but this is my 1st time with them. Will stick with it till the blade is done which should be a long while.

Stirling Green for the soap of choice. It's support to smell like Polo Green but I haven't had a bottle in years so not sure how accurate it is but close enough from memory. Whipped up a thick lather which is typical for Stirling. The Persona 74 blade is EXCELLENT and provided a top notch shave.

Dead Sea Shave- have been really impressed with this soap base, it has Watermelon Seed Oil and a intetesting ingredient list. The scent is minty perhaps Spearmint and is bright and natural.

Was in the process of making homemade Pizza and left the lather for a few hours and came back to finish the shave. It held strong, it did seem to be effected a bit. The shave went well with no issues.



The 2nd pic is the lather after sitting for about 2 hours!

Adagio Road Coconut Lime Verbena- very good artisan from Etsy that NEVER gets mentioned on the forums, but is made with Lamb Tallow and other skin food.

Performance is very good. Whips up a thick lather than can hold a good amount of water. This Persona 74 blade is EXCELLENT and really wish they were still in production as these are the best Injector blades yet. Finished off with Proraso Woods & Spices which has a nice Sandalwood type fragrance and soothes the skin.

Lebelle Spikes Garden- this artisan is unfortunately no longer in production. They also made the KnockOut Shave Brand Soaps as well for anyone who remembers them. SPIKES GARDEN has a intriguing scent that is Floral but can't put my finger on which one....Lilly Of The Valley perhaps... it's nice but unusual.

Soap is on the firm side and only needed a small amount of product for a good amount of lather. Performance is good but not going to win any rewards in my book. Managed a decent BBS shave but did get a little irriation from chasing which was well deserved lol. Finished off with MLSW Kraken Milk which is a excellent post shave product loaded with Goats Milk and other skin food.


I Coloniali- by far my favorite Mass Produced shave soap that is marketed as a Hard Cream, perhaps due to the texture of the lather which is thick similar to Shannon's Soaps.

The scent is Spicy and different with a touch of Menthol that doesn't interfere with the scent.

Performance is top notch, plenty of sickness and everything one would wish from a quality product. Finished off with PRP 63 Balm which paired well with the scent of I Coloniali.

Hope y'all are doing well and getting great shaves!

Turtleship Bay Rum- one of the best ingredient list IMO this stuff has pretty much everything. Comes in a nice sturdy plastic tub as well. The Bay Rum is a Cologne type and not your typical Clove heavy Bay Rum.

Performance is very good and has a swell shave. Finished off with Ogollala.

Country Club 4 Men Barnstormer- this is suppost to be a Stetson clone but never would have guessed. It has a Powdery Musky scent and could see the Barn connection.

Performance of CC4M is very good both Tallow & Vegan soap Bases. Whips up a creamy lather quickly and with no hassle, plus can handle quite a bit of water.

Panacrema Vetiver- Old PC soap base with a musty scent that reminds me of a Old Library but in a good way. Not your typical Italian soap performance wise, no bubbles or light fluffy texture. HAD a decent shave and was quite surprised by the results. Finished off with Stirling Vetiver WH and Royall Rugby cologne.

Perfectly Natural Hop 2 It- inexpensive artisan that NEVER gets mentioned on the forums. Got this 3oz puck on sale for $6 since this is their old formula. Scent is IPA Beer and Grapefruit. This soap makes a strange lather that is unique among the hundreds of soaps I have tried so far. It's like a firm cream and gets gooey and stringy without really lathering.

Had a wonderful shave and couldn't ask for more.

Tiki Lime Vegan Formula- absolutely love the old Vegan Tiki soap base. Has a simple ingredient list but makes a top notch lather. The scent is Lime of course but is a unusual Lime that doesn't smell like most other Lime scents. Soap is rather firm and requires some extra loading time but lather quick and can handle a good amount of water. Finished off with Pinaud Citrus Musk A/S.