This is no lieGotcha with Christmas Time didn't he...........................Pine to Dave is like a flame to a moth
This is no lieGotcha with Christmas Time didn't he...........................Pine to Dave is like a flame to a moth
@(#*@ !@)#! %#(*()@ AGAIN!! That's right, I see a soap in this thread I decide I'll make a un-thought out purchase of and it's not available. Curse you @Shavewizard420!!!
@(#*@ !@)#! %#(*()@ AGAIN!! That's right, I see a soap in this thread I decide I'll make a un-thought out purchase of and it's not available. Curse you @Shavewizard420!!!
Gotcha with Christmas Time didn't he...........................Pine to Dave is like a flame to a moth
I enjoy your lather reviews, and can only wonder at how many soaps you must have. Thanks for keeping this journal, despite the damage it will likely do to my wallet.
A Tiger bites again................they're the only one to compete with the Graham Field blades for worst ever
Weird scent, rose soap and “decent” shaves. I made it through this update without wanting to spend money