The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun



Stirling Haverford for yesterdays shave. Scent of this one is right up my alley and one of the more different versions of this dupe i have come across. Really like this one.

Performance of Stirling soap is good but i much prefer their balms over the soaps. Lather is no problems even with their older formula, but much like B&M i have found it hit or miss with how the shave turns out. Luckily this shave did not turn out bad but was nothig to write home about IMO.i believe this brush was to blame as i have been having issues with this brush and have tried everything to correct this problem but think this one may have been ruined somehow as it worked great at first, have done everything i can to fix this brush but it does not produce a stable lather no matter what i clean it with or what soap is used. Very strange situation and am mystified about this problem lol.

The balm does feel great and helps keep this wonderful scent going a bit longer.


Deluxe Rockers Soap for todays shave. This one is suppost to smell like Tom Ford Tuscan Leather, have no experience with this fragrance so cannot comment on its similarities. Rockers is a Raspberry Leather scent that is a bit strange but the GF really likes it so thats always a plus.

Perfoemance of this soap is quite good and have been happy with all the Deluxe products i have tried including their Cream (which is more of a firm Croap than Cream). Had a great shave with only a small weeper on cheek so overall was a decent shave. Finished off with Davidoff Zino which is a great fragrance that is SUPER potent, a spray or 2 is plenty for all day and is one of my favorite colognes.

Hope everyone is in good health and getting the best shaves possible!
Holy updates man! Glad to see you report in. Hope you’re well personally!

Every time I see the Take Out packaging I shudder a bit, imagining someone smothering their face in chow mein and shaving. :ROFLMAO:
Holy updates man! Glad to see you report in. Hope you’re well personally!

Every time I see the Take Out packaging I shudder a bit, imagining someone smothering their face in chow mein and shaving. :ROFLMAO:

I appreciate it brother! Things have been going well on this end, have been looking for a new house which has not been easy. Life has just been busy and its hard to keep up with everything, have been getting into a new Snuff Tobacco hobby which has been distracting to say the least, wonderful stuff for a scent addict like myself lol although a bit hard to get and has to be ordered from overseas. Trying to kick the cigarettes which is a challenge in itself but its a work in progress.

Hahaha yeah Take Out Night is a weird theme for a shave set, but thankfully it smells nothing like Chineese Food. Not usually a fan of Lemongrass but they did a fantastic job blending these notes IMO. Have seen they recently released a new soap base (Vegan i think) and would be curious to see how they compaire. Lather Bros is worth checking out but i personally do not care for most of their scents that Maggards carries.

Hope all is good with you as well!
Ok, you keep pulling out these crazy soaps. Any chance we can get a pic of the collection?

Lol i would be SO imbarassed to post a pic of this horror show of a collection hahaha. I do have a large bookshelf unit that holds most od them but some are in the bathroom drawer and scattered a bit although i try to keep it as organized as possible.

Razor: Gillette Fat Handle Tech
Blade: GSB
Brush: Maggard 24mm Synthetic
Soap: Ellegant Rose- Citrus
Post: Mickey Lee Italian Stallion A/S Milk

Absolutely amazing shave this evening with Ellegant Rose. This is another hidden gem artisan that NEVER gets mentioned on the fourms for some unknown reason. Managed to find a tin at the Maggard Meet Up PIF table last year and found out they are somewhat local which is icing on the cake as this is a excellent soap base IMO. Have ordered from them shortly after trying their English Rose and they are great people to do business with, were even kind enough to include a hand written note and a few extra samples, this being one of them.

The scent of Cirtus was accidently contaminated a bit by the Rose Cardamon bath soap so this sample has a fresh Rosey Citrus mix that just smells wonderful.

Ingredients of the soap: Saponified Oils of Vegatable Steric Acid, Organic Shea Butter, Kokum Butter, organic Palm Oil, avacado Oil, coconut oil, vegatable glycerin, caster oil, apricot kernel oil, organic Jojoba oil, essential Oils, and Clay

Performance is top notch and was really surprised by this artisan since the 1st use. Soap lathers to a thick consistancy quickly and can hold a whole lot of water without breaking down. If i didnt know any better i would swear this was a tallow soap based on appearace and face feel, would imagine a lot of work and testing went into this soap base and would put it against many of the popular shave soaps we all know and love. All the attributes one would look for in a quality product and then some, residual slickness and face feel really stand out providing a excellent experience. Managed a super smooth BBS and couldnt be happier with the results, finished off with Italian Stallion Milk for the perfect ending of a A1 shave. feeling refreshed and ready for whatever life thows at me!

Hope y'all are doing well and had a similar shaving experience!
Just here with pen and paper to jot down the soaps I have never heard of before.... carry on!
The amount of artisan products in this thread alone that I have never heard of is insane. Great updates

Thanks guys! There are tons of artisans that dont get much mention on the fourms that are worth checking out IMO. The good thing is there are no shortage of options to choose from and something for everyone when it comes to scent, performance and price.
Alright, no pic. Video tour then. Sounds even better! ;)

Lol i will have to reorganize the shelfing unit ans hopefully will be able to fit that into a pic hahaja. Have some in the bathroom and drawers as well, especially the ones with strange containers or dollar store plastic tubs that take up a lot of room.

A&E Revolution was the 1st pic from the recent samples that came in the mail the other day. Really like the scent of this one but very hard to describe but is a sort of clean complex barbershop type scent but that description does not do this scent any justice.

Had some trouble with the lather, started out with too much water so was very runny. The shave still went well but A&E usually delivers much better shaves although this was completely my fault so no complaints.

Finished off with Pinaud Whiskey Woods, love that they come in small 2oz shooters and would recommend trying the new scents as they are quite complex and fresh for Clubman scents.

Lisa's Pumpkin Oud provided a excellent perfect shave. First time with this new formula and was quite inpressed with this stuff.

Scent of Pumpkin Oud is familiar and have come across other scents that are similar. Reminds me a bit of OZ Shaving Pumpkin Head Jack but not as heavy on the spice. Mostly pumpkin forward with Oud for support and background. This is a dark scent perfect for Fall or cooler weather.

Soap lathered easily and with no issues. Can see why Dfolk praises this soap base so much. The lather felt different from most other soaps, not sure how or why but could barely feel the blade, have heard others describe this but was very noticable for this shave. The face feel after rinsing is light and does not leave a greesy film. have yet to notice a soap with a drying post shave and cant understand how that is even possible as it is called "WET Shaving", skin did feel a bit tight after rinsing but certainly not dry. This was a unusual experience alltogether and a shave that stood out in the crowd.

Super stoked about the results from this shave and am looking forward to see what other scents Lisa comes up with in the future.

Was inspired by several recent discussions about Turtleship to pull this one out and give it a whirl.

This soap has one of the best ingredient lists i have ever seen and is loaded with skin food:

Tallow, Mango Butter, Stearic Acid, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Jojoba Oil, Abyssinian Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, Glycerin, Goat Milk, Lanolin, Raw Honey, Tussah Silk, Aloe Vera, Water, Sodium Lactate, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Essential Oils

Did have a couple beers before this shave so of course the lather suffered as a result. Despite this fact the shave still went well all things considered.

The scent is obviously Patchouli- it is on the lighter side and a bit earthy. No worries about "Hippie" Patchouli just a earthy version that smells nice.

Memorial Day morning shave went well with Dr. Jon's Defiance. Nice spicy sandalwood scent, this Cold War series of 3 scents (Propoganda, Defiance, and Conquest) all smell nice and are unique.

Shave went well and the lather took a good amount of water without breaking down. Managed to get near BBS on the neckline which is not always that easy. Ended up with a couple weepers and a little residual irritation but overall was a decent shave. Finished off with Folsom & CO Muir- wish these guys would open up shop again as they had some interesting scents, Muir is a complex interesting scent and it would be awesome to have a soap with this scent. Hope everyone had a great shave and a safe Memorial Day!


Prep: Pre Shave Soap Mix
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Classic
Blade: Shaico (1st shave)
Brush: Yaqi Synthetic
Soap: Tabula Rasa Dezember
Post: Siliski Santa's Pipe Balm

Had a great time today at the Maggard Meet and it was awesome to see some familiar faces as well as some new people to discuss this hobby with. Some new vendors there as well which was really cool.
They had a HUGE amount of these blades on the PIF table and after unloading a big bag of goodies i brought for others to enjoy, was lucky enough to find a few new things to try as well. Was a bit unsure about these blades and have never heard of them before and i do not have good luck with Oriental Blades. They are perhaps the thickest blades i have come across andam still not sure about them but they are certainly useablealthough not the smoothestblade.

The Tabula Rasa whipped up a thick lather that started out a bit bubbly but eventually got to the right consistancy. Scent is warm, bit spicy, and complex. This was the first time with this brand as the price per ounce is rediculous but many people seem to like this cream/croap and it did perform well. The shave went well but did get some irritation from the blade. The real star of the show was the Siliski Santa's Pipe Balm.have yet to be dissapointed by any of the Siliski Products i have tried. top notch stuff and the Balm is very thick made without water so its veryconcentrated and the scent seems to be nice and potent. Excellent protection and skin feels wonderful! Hope everyone had a great shave!

WK Fern Concerto in the original Tallow formula without Donkey Milk. Very good soap base with a scent that is as close as it gets to the Stephan's Island Lime (or Avon for that matter) and has a bright Citrusy Lime type of scent that is nice and refreshing. Shave was OK but did get some irritation that was brought to my attention due to the alcohol content of the Stephans.
