The Shaving Cadre

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Prep: pre shave soap mix
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Orange
Blade: Pol- Silver
Brush: Yaqi 26mm Synthetic
Soap: Wet The Face- Autumn
Post: Ogallala Lime & Peppercorn A/S

Had a very nice late night shave a few hours ago. Have had WTF Autumn in the queue for a while now and today was its day. Really like the unique Apple spicy scent of this soap and mixed with the performance of WTF soaps makes this one a winner in my book. Soap lathered with no issues in the copper bowl and the lather provided plenty of protection. Face feels great and moisturized, hope y'all had a swell shave as well!
That does it, I gotta drag out my Savannah Sunrise soon. Nice shaves !

Lol thanks Dave! The Dr. Himself was passing these samples out at the Maggard Meet a few years ago and had been sniffing the tin almost daily for the past week or so and figured it was due its turn. Could imagine this scent not being everyones cup of tea but glad i could "enable" you to pull out the 'ol Savanna Sunrise!
Ogallala is too gourmand for me; it’s very sweet, at least the Sandalwood & Bay Rum AS that I have...which also feels very lackluster on the skin.
Funny. I was just looking at Ogallala splashes. I’d like to find something close in scent to the Turtleship sample you sent me.

Glad you enjoy the Turtleship! They have one of the best Bay Rum scents IMO and would LOVE if they came up with a splash, fairly certain it would be loaded with skin food just like the soap base.

Not sure of anything that would compliment that version of Bay Rum well enough to be similar. Would imagine one of the PAA Bay Rums may be similar but am not familiar with them.

Oh my goodness have i been slacking on my SOTD posts....sorry guys i should not have let things get this out of hand.

Tgis shave was with Lather Bros Take Out Night. Very good affordable soap & Balm both have great performance. The scent of this one is not what you may expect from the description and the notes blend together to create a unique scent profile. Soap lathers up quickly and holds a decent amount of water. Shave went well and the balm was the star of the show IMO.


Grooming Dept Mallard Rose Chai for this shave. Decided to lather this soap in a sepearte bowl as GD soaps seem to get used up much faster than any other brand but the performance is so supurb that it still is worth it IMO. Have noticed it does take a bit more work with this method and the lather is not quite the same as tub lathering which may be due to using WAY less soap this way. Fantastic performance that is hard to beat, a few come close but most artisans cannot compete with this level of performance.

Scents are subjective but this one has a spicy scent with a very light Rose background. It is a plesent scent but was really looking forward to a Rose GD soap and this one is mostly spice to my nose. Still a great scent and love a hot cup of Chai tea to go with this shave.


Big Easy Roof Of The World. Really like this unique scent profile and am amazed that this does not burn my skin as from the scent i would imagine this one would give me trouble. Scent of the A/S seems a bit different and more well rounded than with the soap.

Performance is decent and will say this soap lathers fast and without issues, does start out a bit on the bubbly side but works into a thick consistancy with a little effort. This shave went a bit better than last time with this set and restored my faith in this soap base quite a bit. No irritation and residual slickness was very good. Again though the A/S was the star and is excellent!


A&E Cold Day In Hell 2 was the choice for this shave. Have been meaning to revisit this one as the scent is excellent as well as the soap base. Really surprised by the A&E soaps and would put them up there with Southern Witchcrafts as far as unique scents and performance is concerned. Both are ones to keep on the watch list IMO.

Scent of Cold Day In Hell 2 is hard to describe but is a cologne scent, powdery and reminds me of a modern version of Brut, not a exact clone but the closest thing that comes to mind. Very well done.

Soap lathers up a bit strange and looks terrible to start out but eventually gets to perfect consistancy. Shave wad marvelous and finished up with some CL 4th n Pine.

Hope everyone is doing well and getting excellent shaves!

Here is a new one i have yet to review on this fourm yet, Eufros and is the older non tallow version (has Lanolin so not Vegan).

To be honest i have not been very impressed with this soap base and that combined with the scent is the reason i have yet to review it for y'all. figured people may be curious as there is a lot of buzz around this somewhat hard to obtain artisan, although now it is available at WCS which makes it a bit easier to get since you used to have to E-mail the artisan and get it shipped from Spain which made it a bit costly to get to the US. Was lucky enough to get a few different scents thru trades and BST.

As for performance this soap lathers up bubbly at first but does thicken up with some work. That is not the issue but rather i find this stuff much less protective than many other soap bases, this is just my personal experience with this base and i am in the minority with this opinion as most people seem to love this stuff.

Scent is Vetiver and smells like a Lettuce Patch. Lived in the country as a kid and am very familiar with this kind of scent, does not smell bad but is not a scent i would want to smell like all day. Where my problem with the scent ls that it burns my skin a bit and makes using this soap that much more uncomfortable. Have used other Jabonman/Eufros soaps without issue so would imagine the scent to blame for this personal issue.

Finished up with Stirling Vetiver which my GF says smells like Turpentine hahaha. I actually have to somwhat agree but have a weird attraction to this scent anyways as it does change quite a bit with skin chemistry.

Grooming Dept Voyage as my skin needed some protection as got a bit tore up the day before. Did not include a lather shot as it would bot do GD any justice and would resemble the pic review from Mantic lol. This was my fault as i was in a bit of a hurry and the lather suffered as a result.

Scent of Voyage is very similar to Basique IMO accept Voyage uses Elemi which gives it a bitter citrus where Basique is a tad bit sweeter. Both are great scents IMo.

Performance on the Vegan Gd soaps are among the best Vegan soaps on the market and would put them right up there with SoutherN Witchcrafts, Tiki, Siliski, and WK. Just supurb.
Finished off with Stephans Island Lime which smells exactly like Vintage Avon Island Lime, very good tripical Lime scent and surprising longevity.

Victory Shaving Champaign Lady for the win!

This is a very good unique soap base that uses Soy Wax and Olive Oil making this a bit different. No lather issues despite having Oo and this is a good "Hidden Gem" artisan that does not get the credit they deserve IMo.

Scent of this soap is described as Lavender, Lemon, Menthol and to my nose this smells like a refreshing cold glass of Lemonade. No Lavender detected at all as this is a well blended scent. The menthol level is about medium and not overpowering but noticable when shaving with cold water. Soap itself is a hard consistancy and is filled to the brim making this very economical and a great value IMO. Had a excellent shave and feel refreshed finishing off with some Mentholated Island Lime!