The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Rich's Journal: Adventures with Life and Sharp things

I got a near-full tub of Cherry Blossom & Bamboo sitting in the dark recesses of my soap drawer as well. Such a lovely scent!
It’s been noticed I’ve not made a journal entry since May! Regrettably I have no excuse nor any viable reason for not doing so save laziness. I continue to be running a little low on oxygen as a lasting reminder of the COVID. What better excuse to park my butt in the command chair with a cannula stuffed in my nose. Am I doing it? Well… no. We took a trip to Florida which was a great fun time. Then puttered about the house, stymied by high lumber costs to reconstruct the basement. Then visited Merz…. I mean my Brother in Chicago.
This morning, got the news that my Niece passed her board of review and is one the Chicago areas first female Eagle Scouts. Statistically she is in the pantheon. Of all Scouts about 2% make it to Eagle. Girls have only been admitted since 2017. She is probably among the first Eagle Scouts of her generation.
Back to entries, I am resolved to try and post more.
30 Jul 2021

Razor: Burrell 5/8 Top Flight
Soap: Pannacrema Nuavia Rossa
Scuttle: Captains Choice
Brush: GrayDog Synthetic
AS/eDt: Nivea 2in1

Comments: First use of a 40’s era straight from this Manufacturer

The Hardware: Burrell Cutlery is genetically linked to Case cutlery through Addie Case. The company started in 1940 making razors, scalpels and sharp stuff for government contract. They got into household cutlery in 1950’s and developed a very popular serrated tomato knife. Stayed in business until 2006.

The Software: Pannacrema… needs no introduction.

The Shave: Two pass shave very effectively removed a longer than normal 5 days of growth. I missed a couple of spots and used the razor dry with no problems. This was a good, inexpensive eBay pick up. Proof that this is a hobby with a low threshold of entry. Until RAD kicks in.
Hey, if you ever get tired of watching the hobo channel or that guy that fixes stuff while swearing up a storm with interesting sayings, you can watch this guy deliver lumber and stuff on YouTube.

Safford Delivery and Transportation Services
6 Nov 2021

Razor: Azuma Kamisori
Soap: Pre d’provence
Scuttle: Captains Choice
Strop: Griffin
Brush: Zenith Copper Boar
AS/eDt: Nivea 2 in 1

Comments: These asymmetrical ground pieces of death can be intimidating. But your humble (pro level) correspondent feels he is up to the task.

The Hardware: Yasuki steel is produced from the Shimane prefecture of Japan since the Meiji era. Also the home on Okinoumi, a famous Sumo wrestler

The Software: Pre d’provence is a triple milled soap that is renowned for its quality and durability. I’ve had this puck for several years and despite leading with stiff boar brushes like they owe me money. I’ve just worn the imprint off the top of the puck.

The Shave: Three pass shave produces an acceptable shave pretty smooth, but hindered by being intimidated by the razor, and the small cutting edge.

Haha, I'm just listening to a preview of the November Sumo Basho, and who do I see but Okinoumi (Maegashira 3) here. Didn't know there were other sumo fans here, we need to start a basho thread!

Sump wrestling sound like something you'd fine in Louisiana.
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Curious as to why the LNHC Post Shave Elixir got relegated to the side away from the rest of the shave products? Was the post shave elixir a naughty boy? :)
A9163B5A-C0CD-43F8-B444-90816660B0CE.jpeg24 December2021

Razor: Joh. Engstrom 6/8
Soap: RazoRock Santa Maria del fiore Firenze
Scuttle: Captains Choice
Strop: Griffin
Brush: Oz Shaving Silver Snow
AS/eDt: Santa Maria Del Fiore Firenze

Comments: A quick 2 pass on a beard desperately needing shorn. The blade as an experiment was stropped on a balsa 4 side strop. 2.5, 1, .5 and .25 microns. I did not put the blade to the regular strop.

The Hardware: The newest this blade could be appears to be 1917. It’s in very good to excellent condition. Tree topping snarl and ready to go

The Software: this soap is quite a nice croap that seemed pretty tolerant to additional water. I was in a bit of a rush as today is actually way more crowded with stuff to do and people to see than tomorrow. The fragrance is pretty non-descript, at least my sniffles are not allowing the fragrance to register. The lather is quite adequate. Excellent actually

The Shave: I thing perhaps stopping on linen and leather may tame an edge that is harsh. I didn’t notice harshness in this case, but perhaps the con cavity of the strop shape may mellow the bevel a bit.