The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Rich's Journal: Adventures with Life and Sharp things

My devise was good to go for two honing sessions last night, but it was out of storage for my shave... Technology makes fools of us all.. The workup to the shave will have to wait lol
GIF by Quartz

i suppose I shoulda stropped that razor hot off the stones… No bueno! Vector to the rescue!

Seaforth Heather
Rockwell T2
Strong Set 19mm Badger
Thayers Lemon
Seaforth Heather A/S

A quick two pass owing to care of an injured paw yesterday. The T2 continues to be a fine razor. I’m not sure where it sits in my pantheon of DE’s, but it is in the better part of them. A fine lather as usual from the Seaforth and approval from the spouse unit.
Dermatologist appointment this morning and I was unsure, so threw up a mild shave so a hobo doesn’t show up.
Razorock Game Changer .68
Seaforth Fleur de France
Razorock 400 tribute synth
2 passes of “good enough for the girls I date”
As it turns out, they made an appointment for me on a day the office is closed! So I’m confirmed for Monday.9012D219-3068-4836-869B-91ACA5CB94EA.jpeg
Holy crap! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve made an entry!
Proraso Red
el-Cheapo del Grande Kai Captain folding clone
schick blade
Sorrentino first anniversary synthetic brush

A quick face lathering with this seldom used soap reminds me why I keep some Proraso around. Two passes n-s and s-n with a little cross hand thrown in. A little bit of hull plate damage. Maybe 1 hit point taken. Alum sealed the damage.
Thayers lemon and Speick aftershave round out a great quickie that I would have recorded had it crossed my mind. I need to watch BabaDebbit do his cross hand work more closely as I eeeeeaaase in more left hand to my shaving routine.
It’s been a spell since I posted a shave. Today brought out SV 75th. Dang! I love this stuff! Using a Red Imp gifted me from Matt. It’s finally coming into its own. this razor was surprisingly stubborn to bring forth the goods. This was a full Jasper edge.
