The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Rich Tries to post a video.

Finally caught up on Sunday’s and yesterday’s videos; man that 74 is going strong! Good stuff Rich!

I got a laugh out of the shave overseer on Sunday’s video...there must have been something captivating outside lol!
When cruising, my goal is to gain an average of 1 lb per day. Hitting that mark on a 7-day cruise isn't overly difficult, but on a 10-14 day one.... whew, it becomes hard work (and your pants no longer fit!)
Welcome back, Rich! I initially thought your comments about sleeping outdoors were attributable to you doing something foolish (like I would do!) and being banished to the doghouse by SWMBO. VERY glad to hear that it was just a camping excursion. :ROFLMAO:
Very nice! Performance is outstanding as usual, but 5he fragrance is quite strong. Worked well with the Alpa. I’m truly digging the ‘Jectah as a platform.
A lot of the Cadre using SV 70 past couple days! Great Shave Rich. And yeah...not much you can do if a Grand Pyrenees wants to get somewhere. Thanks for sharing a great shave with us Rich!