The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Rich Tries to post a video.

You just didn't get around to shaving? Did I hear that correctly??
How to shape a moustache... yea i'll never need that LOL. Great video Rich!
No word about the dude on the thumbnail? Looks like Reverend Rich the circuit rider.
I believe this is the only picture of me with my beard (what there is of it) grown in. Three months for a Community Theatre production of Fiddler on the Roof. I had to do pretty severe makeup to age me to the folks in the back.
Rich...I am woefully behind on your videos. But I plan on playing a couple for the drive home tonight!
I believe this is the only picture of me with my beard (what there is of it) grown in. Three months for a Community Theatre production of Fiddler on the Roof. I had to do pretty severe makeup to age me to the folks in the back.

Ah, one of my all time favorite movies!

“Money is the world’s curse...may the lord smite me with it...and may I never recover!”

Oh, and favorite candy bar is a hard race between Twix and Heath. Both very different but very good!
LOVE Payday bars !!!! Nice video Rich and yes the full mask while not perfect (What 1 would be) is much better and I too had a dry night recently. Thanks for thinking of me. Actually had a few short dreams recently and can't remember how many years it has been since I had a dream. Didn't need Florida Water for them either.
MMMM Payday. I like the biweekly holiday and the candy bar! Great stuff Rich.
Nice shave Rich. Have my 1st injector coming ot me and ordered these blades as I don't know what ones are good and which aren't. Any thoughts on these.
Nice shave Rich. Have my 1st injector coming ot me and ordered these blades as I don't know what ones are good and which aren't. Any thoughts on these.
Those are the ones I’m using. Work fine, but you know.. always looking and learning.
Nice shave Rich. Have my 1st injector coming ot me and ordered these blades as I don't know what ones are good and which aren't. Any thoughts on these.
These are Chinese made Schick blades. I have used them and they work decently for me. I prefer the Personna Injector blades, however. Although, the blades pictured above have a better dispenser.

I get the Personna blades from look for product #121-4