The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Rich Tries to post a video.

Funny you mentioned being a marked man, I saw for several videos and wondered if that was a cpap mark. Still trying to find a mask that works for me. Always enjoy your videos Rich !!
Thanks guys! I was tinkering with how to post videos from my laptop rather than always from my ipad. So after uploading and syncing, I can splice the first part on, stick the daily hardware lineup in there and off we go! problem was in finding where all the programs were stashing their output files! That was a dilly of a quest!
I like my full face mask. It makes me feel like a fighter pilot! That and sinus troubles made me a habitual mouth breather. Of course that means my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth and I have to take sips of water during the night to keep it from permanently bonding. :/
What time is it? It's time for shaving with Rich! That's an exciting intro!
That was over before my coffee was even done! j/k Thanks for another video Rich.
Great video Rich. Busted septum from a friendly football game when younger has me as a mouth breather too. Got a new mask to try today. I'll be a fighter pilot with you tonight too.
Getting the mask to fit just right can be tricky, but once you are there it’s great! My problem was I was also a belly sleeper. Now having some rotator cuff issues from side sleeping. Glad I’m losing weight!
Getting the mask to fit just right can be tricky, but once you are there it’s great! My problem was I was also a belly sleeper. Now having some rotator cuff issues from side sleeping. Glad I’m losing weight!
We sound very similar. I was a belly or side sleeper trying to get used to back or side now and have had rotary cuff and Labrum surgery repairs last December. In the offce this full face with foam instead of the rubber material was SOOOO much more comfortable then the one that was from below my lower lip to just shoved up against the bottom of my nose.
Hmmm, I still sleep on my stomach. It did take a little time to learn how to do it with the mask on and navigate that friggin’ tube. The tube was the biggest issue for me.
That Razorock brush almost looked like a lightsabre in disguise for a second there on video. Nice shave Rich and hope you ward off the cold/throat thing