The Shaving Cadre

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Reasons why I mix my coffee with whiskey, my list of bodies I have buried in the woods, and other thoughts while shaving

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SOTD: 02/03/2022


Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Feather Pro Guard Artist Club, 3rd use
Brush: Boti Brush Green Flower
Bowl: Walmart Soup Mug
Preshave: Ariana & Evans Slick Stick Soap
Soap: Soapy Science Lollipop Citrus Puck
Aftershave: Ginger’s Garden Lemon Honey Aftershave
Balm: Zingari Man Unscented Vegan Balm
Additional Care: Henri et Victoria Lime EdT

Good morning! I thought I’d start my day with a fun shave today. Soapy Science is a family run outfit out of Colorado. The artisan is actually a high school girt (she may be older now) who made shave soap as a science project - and it took off from there. They have scents to fit the gamut of wetshavers and a portion of proceeds go to educational scholarships. This soap will take you back to your trips as a kid to the barber shop or perhaps a bank - when you’d get a lollipop if you were good. She really nailed the scent!

The AS was actually the one time that Ginger’s Garden did not get my creative vision - but it ended being a fantastic scent and led to other creations that I love. Originally the intent was that this was supposed to be a Prohibition era cocktail scent called the Bees Knees. All that is missing from this is the boozy element - but this still is fantastic. But fear not - Ginger’s Garden was able to make me others such as the Long Island Iced Tea, The Salty Dog, Dark & Storm, Whiskey & Coke, The Cuba Libre, Pure Malt, and others!

The EdT is simply Lime - and wow I love it - goes so well with the other two elements of this shave. Nice pick me up!

Have a great day!
Did a second shave today - tomorrow’s going to be busy - and one of my new acquisitions arrived today…

SOTD: 02/03/2022


Razor: Gillette Fatboy
Blade: Wizamet Iridium Super Extra, 1st use
Brush: Boti Brush White Brown Wood Resin
Bowl: Walmart Soup Mug
Preshave: Ariana & Evans Slick Stick Soap
Soap: Dr. Jon’s Shaving Soap Co 53 East & 51st Puck
Aftershave: H.Zone Essential Man 1910 Aftershave
Balm: Zingari Man Unscented Sego Balm
Additional Care: Cassell-Massey Jockey Club EdT

Went upscale tonight - following up from the fun noggin shave this morning. Scents for both the soap and the AS remind me of the roaring 20’s and the cologne is one of two I know that JFK was associated with - the other being Eight & Bob.

So - this is my first shave ever with a Fatboy (other than when I was a kid - I used my dad’s without the blade of course). I have to say I am really impressed with the shave - very smooth - used both the 5 & 6 settings. I know I could have gone higher - but was enjoying the experience. I love the finish that Razor Emporium put on it - hopefully it will help it last even longer. I don’t see this as my daily driver - I just love stainless steel and the heft of those types - but I will be cranking this out from time to time.

This time I mean it - have a great evening - no midnight eyebrow shaves for me tonight!
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Did a second shave today - tomorrow’s going to be busy - and one of my new acquisitions arrived today…

SOTD: 02/03/2022

View attachment 74930

Razor: Gillette Fatboy
Blade: Wizamet Iridium Super Extra, 1st use
Brush: Boti Brush White Brown Wood Resin
Bowl: Walmart Soup Mug
Preshave: Ariana & Evans Slick Stick Soap
Soap: Dr. Jon’s Shaving Soap Co 53 East & 51st Puck
Aftershave: H.Zone Essential Man 1910 Aftershave
Balm: Zingari Man Unscented Sego Balm
Additional Care: Cassell-Massey Jockey Club EdT

Went upscale tonight - following up from the fun noggin shave this morning. Scents for both the soap and the AS remind me of the roaring 20’s and the cologne is one of two I know that JFK was associated with - the other being Eight & Bob.

So - this is my first shave ever with a Fatboy (other than when I was a kid - I used my dad’s without the blade of course). I have to say I am really impressed with the shave - very smooth - used both the 5 & 6 settings. I know I could have gone higher - but was enjoying the experience. I love the finish that Razor Emporium put on it - hopefully it will help it last even longer. I don’t see this as my daily driver - I just love stainless steel and the heft of those types - but I will be cranking this out from time to time.

This time I mean it - have a great evening - no midnight eyebrow shaves for me tonight!
Brian, congrats on picking up the Fatboy. It's a beauty. It's also iconic and fun to have one in the rotation. What is the date code?
SOTD: 02/05/2022


Razor: Feather Artist Club SS (Kamisori, Lime)
Blade: Feather Pro Artist Club, 1st use
Brush: TonmiKo Curly Birch Badger
Bowl: Fendrihan Apothecary Mug
Soap: Grooming Dept Earl Gray Gelato Puck
Aftershave: Wholly Kaw Eroe Aftershave
Balm: Zingari Man Unscented Vegan Balm
Additional Care: Grooming Dept Hydrating Gel
Additional Care: Dana British Sterling Cologne

I have a love/hate relationship with Grooming Dept. One the love side, the artisan is super friendly, his bases are fantastic, his products focus on skin care, and he has some of the most unique labels on the market. On the flip side, while his scent descriptions are phenomenal - they for me, don’t live up to expectations. Nothing is ever bad, but nothing is a wow factor. Think the first time you had coffee as a kid. You see your parent chug it down like it is liquid manna from heaven. You take in that first sniff - wow - that’s fantastic! Then you take that initial sip - whoa! That was not what I was anticipating in the least. Then you douse it with sugar and cream to make it all better. This soap was no different. Nice Earl Gray Tea, very slight creamy sweetness - yeah I get the ice cream factor, little bit of waffle cone. Just not fully there. The AS is a pleasant citrus based scent- just picked it out because every time I think ice cream - I go back to when my kids were little and we’d go to the ice cream stand. Ended the shave with a Dana Classic - British Sterling. All in all a good shave.

I will never regret getting Grooming Dept however, because it helped me train my nose to pick out individual notes and led me towards my fragrance collection journey. My first soap I bought from Grooming Dept was about 80% label and 20% scent notes. It was called Angel (below). Basically from the description - it seemed to be a gourmand type scent. I anxiously wait for it to come in the mail. Get it. Open it. Hit like a train with what seemed to me - Copenhagen chew - the kind that most military people have had experience with in the little tin can. Now again, not “OMG I’m throwing this out” but man Copenhagen is a scent that you’ll never forget - it sticks with you. So after I recovered from my initial shock - I went back and sniffed it in little wafts. Was able to eventually break down the notes - yep that‘s here. Oh, there’s a little bit of that. Then I found the displeasing culprit - black currant - the fruit of the devil. I hates it I tell ya. One of my best friends - when we were LT’s, used to get this drink called the Snake Bite which is basically Guinness with a splash a Black Currant - why would you ruin the perfect beer by putting demon spit in it?


Have a most fantastic day my friends!
Great setup today! I talked with Mo some when he was first getting started, he really is a super nice dude. Loved some of his original scents and formulations…like his Absinthe & Leather….hooooooo that was a scent to die for! Never as able to buy at the time sadly. I got worried when he started expanding, he hit a pretty rough patch. Seems he’s figured things out now and bounced back though. It’s good to see that he persistence seems to have paid off! 👍
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