Quijote said:B&M Night Music
LT VC / B&M Night Music AS
My concerns are if they give her yet another doctor to go see and if since it could be caused by the other disease, if the medication would actually work.
I am not trying to be argumentative or anything, just giving a little more information. I do know that she had a lot of problems focusing. Not just in school, but most of the time. I do know for a fact that her eyes are perfect. One of the signs of NF1 is Lisch nodules on the iris and tumors on the optic nerve, so she has to see an Opthamologist every 6 months. I am interested in what they say when we take her. She doesn't act out, just cannot seem to focus. The teacher who is recommending this gave us a few tricks at home to help with her focus, which had improved things a little, but she is so having problems finishing work at school.Cvargo said:Nice read Don. Prayers for your family and daughter hope they get everything figured out. Just my .02 and you can do with it what you want as obviously I do not know your daughter. But in my opinion and that of my wife who is a school teacher. ADD and ADHD are WAY overdiagnosed these days. So don't be afraid to get a second or third opinion. My wife had a student in her kindergarten class this year who was "misbehaving" and not paying attention. But my wife knew the kid was smart. Reading at like a 4th grade level, but on par in math. Guess where he was misbehaving??? During literature lessons. It took her nearly the whole year for the district to FINALLY send out someone to sit with the child and test him, they agreed he needed to be challenged for reading. So they found a 2nd grade teacher who had reading/literature at the same time as my wife. Now that child goes to that classroom for that lesson. Guess what the kid is great the rest of the day, he is actually being challenged! My wife has also experienced where some kids misbehave because there eyesight isn't good and they can't see what the teacher is doing. When she finally convinces the parents to see an optometrist instead a pediatrician for ADD boom the child gets glasses, can see, and no longer portrays traits of ADD or ADHD. Now obviously there are cases where the child legitimately has a problem and the medication can help. In the time I have gotten to know you here, elsewhere, and even facebook it is clear to me that you and your wife are great parents with wonderful kids. I am sure you will do the right thing for your daughter. Again this is my .02 so take it as you wish, but in my experience ADD and ADHD diagnosis are usually NOT always but usually a scapegoat. If one of my kids where questioned about ADD or ADHD I would be getting multiple opinions.
Quijote said:I am not trying to be argumentative or anything, just giving a little more information. I do know that she had a lot of problems focusing. Not just in school, but most of the time. I do know for a fact that her eyes are perfect. One of the signs of NF1 is Lisch nodules on the iris and tumors on the optic nerve, so she has to see an Opthamologist every 6 months. I am interested in what they say when we take her. She doesn't act out, just cannot seem to focus. The teacher who is recommending this gave us a few tricks at home to help with her focus, which had improved things a little, but she is so having problems finishing work at school.
Thanks Dave, I will find out more later. We will end up doing whatever needs to be done in the end.NurseDave said:Agree that ADD can be the kitchen sink diagnosis, but when it makes senses it’s also just as important for their growth to treat it early.
My daughter was diagnosed a few years ago and once we got her medication and dose dialed in, it made a world of difference for her. Seeing her learning and understanding has been great and I could see the frustrations that it caused her previously disappear. She knew she was having problems other kids didn’t and was excited to find out why and be able to do something about it.
I should add, we did try in class modifications first, but if the chemicals in your brain are out of whack, that can only get you so far.
Cvargo said:Misbehaving was probably a bad word choice on my part. And I will be honest I know nothing about NF1 but doing a quick google search it seems that can definitely play a role here. Regardless of the outcome I am confident that you and your wife will make the right choice for your daughter. I hope it all works out for the best. It also sounds like your daughter has a very good teacher who gave you tips to try at home first. I wish more teachers did that. If you ever want me to ask my wife who is a school teacher any questions from an educators perspective I know she is much more knowledgeable on the subject than I. Just reach out via PM, she could at least provide the educator side of things.