The Shaving Cadre

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But, what if the counter is the first one in the room, and Switch A was already on? They could start in any position. If he counts that as a single prisoner before him he will come up short...
But, what if the counter is the first one in the room, and Switch A was already on? They could start in any position. If he counts that as a single prisoner before him he will come up short...

But that blows my idea completely out of the water lol that sucks
But that blows my idea completely out of the water lol that sucks

It doesn’t if the counter simply ignores the first “positive” signal. It would mean more time, but if every prisoner activated the signal twice, he would know once he reached 20 positives that everyone had been in.
So they might die of old age, but we didn't kill em!
Sorry guys. I got called to the flightline. Had to do some work today.....

TJ's basic premise it correct. One member is elected as the counter. He is the only person who will tell the warden when they are complete. Every prisoner (except the counter) flips switch A up. Unless it is already up, then they flip B. The position of B doesn't matter, ever. The counter will flip A down if up (and tally one flip in his head), else he flips B. But as noted falls apart because of the unknown initial position. How does he know if it is initially up, or if a prisoner flipped it up?

Chris' follow up is correct. Each prisoner must flip the switch twice (and no more), until the counter reaches 20 flips. That way once he gets to 20 flips: Either it was down to begin with and all prisoners flipped I twice, or it was up to begin with and 9 prisoners flipped it twice and one prisoner flipped it once.

Chris, You are up!
That was a good puzzle KJ!

I’ll give an easy one, since I’m at work right now. Figure out the riddle, tell what it’s talking about:

Thirty white horses on a red hill,

First they champ,

Then they stamp,

Then they stand still.
Oh man, word puzzles are not my thing. I don't even know what "champ" is.

Ding ding!

This riddle was brought to (back into?) popularity by Lord of the Rings. Bilbo asks this riddle of Gollum in their game of minds in Gollum's lair.

Poor Gollum only has 9 teeth though.
