The Shaving Cadre

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I'm likely thinking about it incorrectly, but it did get me thinking. I was actually going down a path where it landed more times than it took off because at one point it became Air Force One while in the air when LBJ became president, which could result in one more landing than take-off.
You're on the right track, but in reverse. And LBJ was sworn in on the plane but it was before they took off.
I'm gonna bump this thread with a PIF. Three Phoenix cologne samples (Supreme Sandalwood, Vetiver Planet, Future Fiction) to the person who guesses the correct answer. ConUS only.
PIF withdrawn from this thread and will be moved to the instant PIF thread soon.

"Air Force One" is the identity of the plane in which the president is flying, not the name of the airplane itself. On August 9, 1974, Air Force One took off with president Nixon on board. En route to California, his resignation became official, so the plane did not land with the president on board. This means that Air Force One took off but did not land on that flight.