The Shaving Cadre

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I still don't understand why Dany didn't fly high enough to be out of range and then just circle behind Euron and burn them all up. This season has gotten pretty sloppy with plot holes....I do think that it's possible to still get the backstory of the Night King in the last 2 episodes, but to do that and wrap everything else up in 2 hours will be tough to accomplish and it probably won't be done well. I still don't understand the decision to cut this final season to 6 episodes.
Well we know why dragons were extinct, they're much easier to kill than Sam Tarly 😁

Ain't that the truth and the whole battle he was just lying on the ground.

Lot's of little things are off, which I can live with, but the way the Night King was handled was almost as bad as a Walking Dead plot line.
Maybe the writers needed the coffee more than the actors.
So odds on who kills Daenerys now?

Someone who comes back from the dead?

By the way...totally loved the whole "Death on a Pale Horse" reference with Arya at the end.
Well..... she's sure taking after her father now, isn't she? Maybe she'll be remembered as The Mad Queen.....
And another thing.....

Excuse me, but didn't ALL the Dothraki die in the battle against the Night King??? How are they now storming the city?
My wild theory is that the scenario we have is Drogon's Choice. As Targaryans, both Dany and Jon would be immune to dragon fire and whoever controls Drogon wins the day. I would like to think that the person who has been honorable from the very first episode of the series wins, but this is GoT, so all bets are off.
My wild theory is that the scenario we have is Drogon's Choice. As Targaryans, both Dany and Jon would be immune to dragon fire and whoever controls Drogon wins the day. I would like to think that the person who has been honorable from the very first episode of the series wins, but this is GoT, so all bets are off.
I still think Tyrion is also a Targaryan. He is also going to be in a ton of trouble with Dany. We all know that Dany likes to roast troublemakers like marshmallows. We might find out Tyrion wasn't Twyin Lannister's son when he's bathed in dragon fire and doesn't die....
I'm disappointed in the total destruction thing. Yes, she was ticked off, but it didn't seem in her character to just flip a switch and kill innocents like that. I could see her wiping out the army that already surrendered, and then the castle. But what the heck?
I'm disappointed in the total destruction thing. Yes, she was ticked off, but it didn't seem in her character to just flip a switch and kill innocents like that. I could see her wiping out the army that already surrendered, and then the castle. But what the heck?
I'm with you, that it was uncharacteristic..... however you also have to remember that she recently lost two of her 'children' and her best and closest friend. She's obviously depressed and fragile right now, and making rash decisions as a result. I concur, not the same rationality that she is capable of, but that's when I start to think she has the Mad King's blood running through her.
I'm with you, that it was uncharacteristic..... however you also have to remember that she recently lost two of her 'children' and her best and closest friend. She's obviously depressed and fragile right now, and making rash decisions as a result. I concur, not the same rationality that she is capable of, but that's when I start to think she has the Mad King's blood running through her.

Don’t forget no nephew nookie.
And another thing.....

Excuse me, but didn't ALL the Dothraki die in the battle against the Night King??? How are they now storming the city?

I don't think that all of them died. But I'm kind of with you...there were a lot of them in King's Landing. Way too many.

My wild theory is that the scenario we have is Drogon's Choice. As Targaryans, both Dany and Jon would be immune to dragon fire and whoever controls Drogon wins the day. I would like to think that the person who has been honorable from the very first episode of the series wins, but this is GoT, so all bets are off.

I think Drogon's Choice would be an awesome way to choose. But as it seems that dragon fire really destroys everything instantly...I'm not sure Danny and Jon would be able to withstand it. In the books, when Danny threw herself on Khal Drogo's pire with the dragon eggs, even she was burned...just not as badly as normal human would. It was more of like a really super bad sunburn. So I would have to think that dragon fire would likely kill them also. I could be wrong though. But...if this holds true...would the Knight King be a Targaryen too?

I still think Tyrion is also a Targaryan. He is also going to be in a ton of trouble with Dany. We all know that Dany likes to roast troublemakers like marshmallows. We might find out Tyrion wasn't Twyin Lannister's son when he's bathed in dragon fire and doesn't die....

I really wanted this to be a thing in the show. Like really bad! It's hinted at all over the place in the books, but the show never addressed anything remotely close to it. I also think (in the books at least) that Varys was a Blackfyre (for those who didn't read the books or supporting short stories, Blackfyre was a housed spawned from a bastard son of a Targaryen). That really would have made things super interesting.

I'm disappointed in the total destruction thing. Yes, she was ticked off, but it didn't seem in her character to just flip a switch and kill innocents like that. I could see her wiping out the army that already surrendered, and then the castle. But what the heck?

I think I am in agreement with you Dave. To me, the series is trying to hard to put a close on this that they are leaping to ridiculous conclusions that otherwise might need more episodes to cultivate. I think the show just got way too expensive to make so they are doing some pretty stupid things with the characters.

Don’t forget no nephew nookie.

With an Aunt like that... 🤪
Well all I can say is, really? Not only does this season feel completely rushed, its very anticlimactic. 7 season build up for the night king war and it's done in one episode. Not that I want 3 hours of bloody battles, it just didnt fit. Om glad there is only one episode left, frankly, I'm really sick of the portrayals of women. Brianne was more likely to go after Jamie's head with her sword then stand and cry after sleeping with this guy once. And I hate what they have done to Dany. It's so cliche. Make the woman go mad with emotions when shes never acted that way in character for 7 seasons and constantly said she is not her father. It feels like a cop out to actually writing a good script. Dont get me started on Arya. How incredibly uncharacteristic of her to turn around and walk away when shes spent 7 seasons providing she is not a princess but a badass. What happen to all of the foreshadowing of more dragons? I have no doubt Tyrion is a Targaryen. After going back and watching early seasons and his fathers many comments about him not being his. But this is so rushed I don't think there is much they will do with it. Finally, I was disappointed in the death of Cersi. Granted the prophecy came true. In a way Jamie did kill her by leading her to a blocked path but honestly she didnt deserve to die in the arms of the person she caused all of this with. Love her or hate her none of this was possible if it weren't for her and Jamie being together from the start. She deserved to die slowly so Arya could take off Jamie's face and she would know Arya killed her and Jamie. But that's my 2 cents worth.
Rushed, and too many characters acting uncharacteristically. FWIW it's the the showrunners who declined HBO's offer to run more episodes.