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Hated all but Clegain Bowl Dany needs to die now and I have a suspicion that Arya does it Jon becomes King, Tyrion hand, Sansa there somewhere and Cersie in an air pocket, LOL

I'm kind of with you Dave. But this scenario is much too happy. I am guessing at least Three of the living characters you mention will die. Plus I think Jon ends up in the North. Here is a stab in the dark of what I think might happen...

Dany is PO's at Sansa and goes and kills her in Winterfell. Arya tries to kill Dany but fails. Jon does kill Dany, but wants nothing to do with ruling so ends up in the North and reunites with Ghost. There is really nobody left to rule...and the only sensible person left is Tyrion. Tyrion wins the game of Thrones and Bron gets his castle!

Season finished...Fat Man gets his check...and we have to wait until he dies and someone buys his empire to get the other books written. you don't have to watch the final episode tonight! 🤪
I'll watch the last episode tonight. But I think I will likely block this entire season out of my mind and just take the previous seasons for what they are. Really good tv that didn't have a resolution. The producers really messed this up.
Hmmm, had a thought while planting our veggie garden this afternoon......

Since Jon joined the Night's Watch, he renounced any familial claim to anything. Ergo, he has no legitimate claim to the Iron Throne or anything beyond the Night's Watch itself.

Of course, if the writers play it out like that, it will be something that someone speaks out loud just as his proclamation as the King of the 7 Kingdoms is underway, at which point, Tyrion will say "He's right, you know" and Sansa becomes ruler (having been Joffrey's wife) and marries Gedry (her half-brother-in-law) to unite the kingdoms.
Hmmm, had a thought while planting our veggie garden this afternoon......

Since Jon joined the Night's Watch, he renounced any familial claim to anything. Ergo, he has no legitimate claim to the Iron Throne or anything beyond the Night's Watch itself.

Of course, if the writers play it out like that, it will be something that someone speaks out loud just as his proclamation as the King of the 7 Kingdoms is underway, at which point, Tyrion will say "He's right, you know" and Sansa becomes ruler (having been Joffrey's wife) and marries Gedry (her half-brother-in-law) to unite the kingdoms.
Yeah, but he pretty much renounced his affiliation with the Watch...... and they are non-existent at this point anyway....
"I shan't allow an oath breaker to ascend to the throne." sayeth some new character with a distant claim to the throne before being run through by Arya.
I have no idea what will happen. My gut says no happy endings. With GoT, it is never the obvious answer, though in hindsight, there are usually breadcrumbs leading to telltale signs. I bet that will be the case here too.

Buckle up, boys and girls. 7 minutes and counting.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Meh!
This last episode was a big kick in the guacamole. they could have done so much more.

Sansa the little brat gets her way
Tyrion get punished to deal with being the hand to a possessed King who will go off all white eyed for how long at a time
Arya becomes Christopher Columbus
Davos, Brianne, and Bronn get it the best
Poor Aegon ( Jon ) goes back to the Night's Watch and at least he gets to hang with Tormund but why do they need to go beyond the wall? nothing there!

Best part of whole episode was Ghost being there!!!

At least we know this season was written by 8th graders, LOL OK now to wait a year for Westworld LOL
Poor Aegon ( Jon ) goes back to the Night's Watch and at least he gets to hang with Tormund but why do they need to go beyond the wall? nothing there!

I think actually he goes to the north with the Wildlings. I'm not sure there is really a Night's Watch anymore. I mean...what are they protecting against? The Starks rule the North...the wall is in the North. There is peace with the Wild Folk. The army of the Undead are gone (at least for now). Tormund did say a couple episodes ago that Jon had the REAL north in him.

I really don't doubt that this is how GRRM wanted the story to end. But they needed at least two more seasons to get there if not three. This was real bad planning and really hope this show doesn't win any kind of awards for this season. what a serious let down.
The ending tied up most of the loose ends with neat little bows. They bowed to some of the prophecies (Azor Ahai), at least in part. I was right, Drogon did have a choice in this. I think that the biggest thing it did, after all of these seasons of death, intrigue and war, was to grant the characters peace.

I'm ok with that.
The episode started off great with the writers spending the needed time with Tyrion and Jon in the dungeon rather than a simple 30 second clip of "You did want was needed." Alas, after that, it all went Tolkien-ian with happy endings of folks sailing off to the land of the elves (in the West!) and whatnot.

We're all done now and I will choose to remember the wonderful 7 seasons and wait for the rest of the books to (maybe) come out.
Hello! I am your King, Bran ..... (the broken)..... What kind of title is that??? That sucks. Why not King Bran, The Three Eyed Raven???? He got the shaft with that one.....

And another thing... did you notice when John was apologizing to Bran, and Bran said that John was exactly where he needed to be.... then Bran had this Smug little smile on his face? He knew all along that he was going to end up being king..... He was just playing everyone else all along, lol.

So, is Bran just King of the 6 kingdoms now? Since Sansa is "Queen"? of the north? Or does she have some other title I missed?
So, is Bran just King of the 6 kingdoms now? Since Sansa is "Queen"? of the north? Or does she have some other title I missed?
They mentioned the 6 kingdoms in his title a few times.