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well after that insanity all i'm hoping for is Martin to get off his but and finish the books the way he intended them. Sure his "big twist" has been outed but there are so many important plotlines and even entire characters that simply don't exist in the show. For me the highlight of the show was the Hound v the Mountain and in my opinion that is the one thing they hit 100% on the head.
I'm not so sure that Dany going full scorched earth was out of character...though I don't think they did the transition justice (it started in episode 2 or 3 of this season). As was pointed out earlier in this thread, she lost her friend-zoned long time advisor and friend/protector, (Joras), her best friend Misandie, two of her "children", the trust of two of her small council (Varys and to a lesser degree Tyrion), and her lover/nephew John Snow. Couple that with the backstabbing that Cersei did earlier in the season at various points, the fact that after 8 seasons of work to get to this point she finally sees the Red Keep where the Iron Throne sits; and the person who is responsible for much of her recent loses, it's not surprising she decided that mass collateral damage to the current population of Kings Landing was the way that she had to assume the mantle of the Iron Throne. She even said as much early in that episode when she was rebuffed by John, "Fine, fear it is.". I'm pretty sure, according to the plotline, that the destruction of the City was purposeful and planned once she was denied by John earlier in the episode.

Where is it going to go from here?

IDK...death predictions for episode 6:

Tyrion (50/50)
Dany (50/50)
Arya (60% against living)
John (70% against living)
Bran (90% against living if he travels to Kings Landing, 90% for if not)
Sansa (same as Bran)

You thought this was going to be a happy ending? Now that Dany is more of an antagonist, I think the likelihood of her living through the end of the series is actually increased.
Just saw it. All I could think through entire episode was "Is the new Ducktales ep out yet?" I'll see the last one, but don't really care what happens.
Had a chance to watch it. Now keep in mind I haven't watched any of this but all I could think of was didn't the dragon lady just take out the castle? She could have just flown over everything else and just fried the queen. Why bother with the gate and soldiers that were so far away? Why risk the dragon? Also the Queen's side kick said all the dragon killing crossbows were destroyed so that meant that the castle didn't have any defense.
Maybe I missed something.
So what do you guys think about Arya being dead? Is she? Is she not? Commonly the white horse symbolizes death and some say that horse was the Harry Stricklands horse and others say maybe Bran called the horse. My money is on shes dead. How could she have gotten out of the dragon fire when everyone else died?
So what do you guys think about Arya being dead? Is she? Is she not? Commonly the white horse symbolizes death and some say that horse was the Harry Stricklands horse and others say maybe Bran called the horse. My money is on shes dead. How could she have gotten out of the dragon fire when everyone else died?

Interesting theory...I'm not entirely sure I'm with it. Though, it would give John Snow the incentive to go after Dany and assume the mantle of king. If that's the case, we likely saw her visage/spirit look upon her charred body before approaching the horse...Imagine, if this is the case, that John finds her burnt body and that finalizes his decision to oppose her.
I think it was more a death rides a pale horse thing. the rest of the scent after would be really odd otherwise. as far as how? she was the only one that made it around the corner so maybe the direction drogon was flying combined with that saved her, but also she is a servant of death. maybe death just ins't done with her yet.
I think I have mentioned before that Arya has to go; She's too much a psycho to stick around in peaceful times.

As long as Sam lives, all will be well. (y)
I'm guessing arya kills Dany and Jon is forced to execute her, which he will likely do himself. I think that is about the right amount of totally twisted
After sleeping on it, I don't feel AS bad about the episode as before. @Dagwoodz I agree, especially Danny wasn't really out of character, we knew she had an unyielding psycho side from the beginning, but still it was a shock to see her massacring plebs. Ultimately, the frustration is with the show being rushed, and too much willing suspension of disbelief this season that has me down on it. And also the sense that so much of what has been built towards over the last seven years is just in the wastebasket.

The Night King has been built up to as the big bad enemy of all, the story line needed much stronger resolution before plunging into the war with Cersi.

What if feels like to me, is that GRM gave the show runners an outline of how the story ends, and they choose not to flesh it out, but just plow through.
The actual outcomes were great and in line with the story, they just forgot the story, IMO.
I actually think that Arya might be the only sane and rational one left (aside from Jon of course...he's boss 🤪). And while I think that it was out of character for her to turn around and leave before killing the SHAME monster, it does provide he to live on and do what really needs to be done...and at this point...kill Danny. I have really thought for several seasons now that was where Danny was going to end up. But the took too much of a leap and just jumped there this season. None of the masterful character development or leading of the plot to get you there...let's just go full force and take Danny off her meds all at one time.

Completely agree with you @Badger Babe about the women in this series. Whether you like the character or not...whether they are righteous or evil, the women in this series have been strong! Catelyn, Cersei, Daenerys, Arya, Sansa, Brienne, Ygritt, Missandei, Gilly, etc, etc, etc. Virtually ALL the women have been not just strong...but in a way the fiber that held the story. And for the women now to just tuck tail and change character is just really disappointing.

Honestly, at this point I don't know what they are going to do. I am certain Danny dies. If I had to guess at this point...they make Jon the living Azor Ahai. Him and Danny will wed and he will plunge a sword into her heart (Nissa Nissa).

As far as the books go. My wife is very convinced they are finished and it is a marketing ploy to as when they will be released. I am not so sure. I personally don't think the Fat Man has any intentions to finishing them at this point. But is likely focusing on his spinoff projects with HBO.

I think the producers of the show had something epic in the making here and really screwed up by just trying to finish it. There was so much detail in the book, that this series could have gone on for several more seasons (and 10 to 12 episodes a season at that)!
Try this one, as I think Dany doesn't survive the last episode. Dany sentences/threatens Jon, and Sam takes her out, loyal to the end like that other Sam was for his Master Frodo.
FWIW it's the the showrunners who declined HBO's offer to run more episodes.
Seems like maybe they didn't want to write the story themselves, without having the books to use as source material.

Commonly the white horse symbolizes death
As many short cuts as they've taken with this season, I doubt they're getting that deep.

As long as Sam lives, all will be well.
Sam is invincible!

Arya’s alive.
I concur.

I can’t wait to see how Sansa figures into the outcome.
Honestly, I think Dany is going down, and yet John will still refuse the Throne. Sansa could be the one who takes it. Or John gives it to her. Not what I think will happen necessarily, but just a thought.

I think the producers of the show had something epic in the making here and really screwed up by just trying to finish it.
I agree. This whole season has been way too rushed. They definitely should have at least made it a 10 episode season to at least flesh it out.
Hated all but Clegain Bowl Dany needs to die now and I have a suspicion that Arya does it Jon becomes King, Tyrion hand, Sansa there somewhere and Cersie in an air pocket, LOL