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That would make sense, but I would have liked a better reason. Not the dragons just disappearing. I felt like they just left because it would make the battle too lopsided if they did all the damage they were capable of. But they needed to build something into the story to explain it.
That would make sense, but I would have liked a better reason. Not the dragons just disappearing. I felt like they just left because it would make the battle too lopsided if they did all the damage they were capable of. But they needed to build something into the story to explain it.
you mean like the storm that rolled in right behind the army of the dead?
you mean like the storm that rolled in right behind the army of the dead?
Well that explained the middle delay. There were three times I was yelling at the tv wondering where the flippin dragons were. Anyway, seeing all the comments on the interwebs I’m clearly in the minority.
Holy mother of Dragon Fire! just finished it! What an Episode Arya is one bonafide tiny body of awesomeness!. Well lets count the Casualties of main characters as I saw it
Sir Joris, That sucked but a big character had to get it tonight
Drogon? - We dont know as it was Rhaegar who flew in to comfort her at the end (Will be Pissed)
Viscerion - Bye Bye Blue Puppy
Edd - Another Suck!
GreyWorm - I think he got it
Theon - Kindo of expected that, but a great redemption
Red Witch- Was surprised to see her back, and not surprised to see her "poof" away
The Night King!!! -Are you kidding!, did not see that one coming yet, however Bran and him sure looked at each other knowingly.
Lady Mormont - Angry Little Girl, looked better with Blue Eyes, no loss
Ghost????? - Will be a little angry.

Did I miss anyone........ Well aside from the tens of thousands.....
Sansa and Tyrion Sitting on the Life Tree -K I S S I N G - LOL

What a great beginning to Cersei's up the wazoo! Next Sunday is not soon enough!
I would hope that if ghost is gonna eat it he at least gets it in an awesome way on camera. I think we saw greyworm still alive somewhere very near the end but not sure. I would agree that Lady Mormont is not a big loss but that was a hell of a way for her to go. It also may be the end of House Mormont though which is a bit sad. when she went down i initially thought they were paving the way for Jorah.
I'm pretty sure I saw 2 dragons flying in one of the scenes in the preview for next week. So I think Drogon and Rhaegal are still both with us.
I did not see Ghost return after the initial charge and was very upset about that. The Direwolves were such a big part of the story and then they just kind of faded away.
I also don't think we've seen the last of the Night King. Too many things left unexplained. He may not return as a character that's alive in the present, but I think we'll definitely be getting some flashbacks via Bran.
Uf, needed time to process that. Well that was over quick! My first thought was, Dave is not gona like this :ROFLMAO: I was very sorry for Lyanna, I really liked that kid. Episode itself was a bit much for them. They needed spectacle, and they tried... To much if you ask me. The climax was to big, and making Arya hero to sudden. And everything was done to quick, I mean it was long, but in just one episode. If they have a reason for that, if next episodes can outperform this ok, but if not?
That was incredibly well done. It was long and a slog, and my old tired eyes could have done with someone turning the light on, but I think they avoided many of the pitfalls of extended battle scenes. Both The Two Towers and The Return of the King were very battlefield heavy and it just got overwhelming. Kudos to the director for breaking it up a bit, and for controlling the volume! The episode was about the visuals and didn't overwhelm with the swords clanging and arteries spurting. I can't see that they attempt full on battle in any of the last 3(!) episodes. I have my theories about what will happen next.
Scenes with dragons continue to tick me off.
Lots of plot movement forward for the last 2 episodes, but I found the episode kind of meh.
but I found the episode kind of meh.
I agree. A couple of OMG moments, but not super great overall. I was hoping for a lot more. Only 2 episodes yet to go. I really hope they delve into the background of the Night King, but at this point it doesn't look like they will.

I still can't believe those "pirates" are that accurate with those harpoons, from a moving ship. they must have practiced a LOT!
I still can't believe those "pirates" are that accurate with those harpoons, from a moving ship. they must have practiced a LOT!
I have to agree on this. Especially since those shooting didn't have line of site or Dany would have seen them.
I have to agree on this. Especially since those shooting didn't have line of site or Dany would have seen them.
That was the other point I was thinking. How does a whole fleet of ships go unnoticed by Dany and two dragons??? And yet, they are still close enough to shoot, with a projectile that will rapidy lose its velocity due to its weight?
To be fair, if we have accepted that there are dragons and the Dead can walk the earth, why quibble with tinkering with the laws of physics?
Or a big fighting animal that seemed just stunned and hung around to get shot again. Friggin GOT.