The Shaving Cadre

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They mentioned the 6 kingdoms in his title a few times.
Ok, I missed that. Need to watch again. I always watch them twice to pick up on things that I miss the first time around. And after reading comments in this thread, sometime I watch a scene again with a different perspective.
That is funny though. When "the broken" was said the first time I did a spit take. I would have been like "whoa whoa whoa, lets come up with something a little better for me huh?" And the gall to say it in the first place. We'll just remind anyone that hasn't met you that you're kind of a weak king.
Invader #1: Who do we need to overtake?
Invader #2: Bran, The Broken....
Invader #1: We got this!
All I can say is what an anticlimactic disappointment from all the prior seasons build up. I hope Martin writes the book and does much better. They books are so good.
That is funny though. When "the broken" was said the first time I did a spit take. I would have been like "whoa whoa whoa, lets come up with something a little better for me huh?" And the gall to say it in the first place. We'll just remind anyone that hasn't met you that you're kind of a weak king.

But the only character with standing to actually get away with it was Tyrion.
Ahh enjoy your next vacation in the East. Warm beaches, white sand, plenty of space and clear blue skies to bust white fluffy clouds..... wait! What is that? A freaking Dragon?! Hey did you see that? What did it just drop?:ROFLMAO:
Just got to watch and I agree. Overall very blah but it is over now. It's very clear the writers didn't have a clue where to go and just barely filled an outline with enough content to fill the time we saw.
This was so bad that's almost funny. And I had small expectations.
And just to mention, they killed so many characters, why they didn't kill GrayWorm. It would still be terrible, but I would smile, once.
This was so bad that's almost funny. And I had small expectations.
And just to mention, they killed so many characters, why they didn't kill GrayWorm. It would still be terrible, but I would smile, once.

Gray Worm was kind of a schmuck in the end.
All in all, I agree with the majority of the sentiments here on the final season...entirely too rushed. But, a couple of things do make sense, and as long as the current writers aren't involved, future themed shows could be exciting.

There's talk of a sequel series following Arya's adventures out to the west. One of the loose ends that the series left is Jaq'n Haqar's threat on her life for leaving the faceless god's temple. It would be interesting to see if that is part of the series, if it goes forward.

Jon going north of the wall makes some sense, as the Night's Watch's role was to protect the north from threats. Now that there is peace with the Free Folk, the threats are not necessarily the White Walkers, but other creatures. I'm sure Jon will be spending the majority of his time north of the wall ranging. I didn't see any confirmation, but interesting point to that situation. If he was made Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, that would mean he was the 998th and 1000th Lord Commander. (Ed was Lord Commander 999).

I think Sansa getting her way was a little too easy, for me at least. I would have expected more protests from the other lords. Since the Night's Watch is in the north only, does that make the North the only ones contributing to that command now? Or is it still coming from the 6 Kingdoms and the North?

All in all, the finale did a decent job of wrapping things up. The previous 3-4 episodes were the ones that were rushed. I don't think they could have taken much more time to go through the denouement of the series without dragging it out....though the aforementioned council of lords where Bran was crowned could have been built up a little bit better. It was just kind of dropped on the audience to figure out what was going on...a simple explainer scene leading into it would have done quite a bit. I guess it fits with the rushed season, however.

I was half expecting to see a re-emergence of the Children of the Forest somewhere in the last few episodes after the Night King was defeated...kind of disappointed that didn't happen.

I was honestly expecting some more "unexpected" deaths in the end aside from Dany, which was pretty much written in stone to happen once she razed the city. Her dying by Jon's hand really was the only way it made sense in the thread of the plot. I don't think Arya would have been able to get close enough unless she were wearing Jon's face (which would have entailed him being killed, again)...and then she wouldn't have been able to get by Drogon.

All in all...a fairly predictable season unfortunately. I've read that the books will follow a very similar ending, however will get there in very different fashion. Whether or not Martin will live to finish it is another matter entirely. Right now he's expecting to release Winds of Winter sometime in 2020...who knows how long A Dream of Spring will take.
We are finally getting ‘round to binge watching GOT! Just finishing season 3. Too many storylines and families and names to keep track of! Actually to the point of diminishing my enjoyment a bit. I did enjoy the poor bloke who got unwillingly ‘modified’ kinda saw that coming..