The Shaving Cadre

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Like Jorah, Jaime is on a redemption run as well. Remember, this is the same guy that pushed the little kid off a ledge right after shtupping his sister. Look at him now. I have my theories about what will happen in the next episode (1 hr 22 mins, longest episode of the entire series!). My gut tells me that most if not all of the 'bad guys' from early on who've turned good (Jaime, Tyrion, Theon, The Hound) survive at least until the final episode. I also have a nagging suspicion that Sean Bean shows up one more time as Ned in a flashback.
Some people think Arya will kill Jaime and wear his face to kill Cersei. That would be pretty epic, but I do like Jaime so I wouldn't be thrilled if that's how it went down.
Yeah... pretty sure Jamie dies. I really like his character arch and would be sad also. But it would be fitting so he can redeem himself.

I know people think Arya will kill Cersi with Jamie's face...but I don't think it will end this way. Just too clean in my opinion.
Like Jorah, Jaime is on a redemption run as well. Remember, this is the same guy that pushed the little kid off a ledge right after shtupping his sister. Look at him now. I have my theories about what will happen in the next episode (1 hr 22 mins, longest episode of the entire series!). My gut tells me that most if not all of the 'bad guys' from early on who've turned good (Jaime, Tyrion, Theon, The Hound) survive at least until the final episode. I also have a nagging suspicion that Sean Bean shows up one more time as Ned in a flashback.
I really like the characters that all of the bad-turned-good guys have become. A return of Ned would be awesome!
Yeah... pretty sure Jamie dies. I really like his character arch and would be sad also. But it would be fitting so he can redeem himself.

I know people think Arya will kill Cersi with Jamie's face...but I don't think it will end this way. Just too clean in my opinion.
I agree it would be clean. And we all know this series doesn't do that very often lol.

As far as Jaime redeeming hiimself, there are some theories out there that put him as Asor Ahai and his redemption will reveal that at some point. But that might also be a stretch.
Some people think Arya will kill Jaime and wear his face to kill Cersei. That would be pretty epic, but I do like Jaime so I wouldn't be thrilled if that's how it went down.

I think that Cersei will kill Jaime, it's been hinted and foreshadowed..... not that that means anything of course. Which then wouldn't really make sense for Arya to use Jaime's face.
I think that Cersei will kill Jaime, it's been hinted and foreshadowed..... not that that means anything of course. Which then wouldn't really make sense for Arya to use Jaime's face.
This is true. There is also the prophecy that Cersei will by killed by a younger sibling. The one the witch told her when she was a girl. That would most likely be Tyrion, although I thought the book mentioned that Cersei was the older of the twins too. So it could be Jaime as well.
I am half way through and at this point I’m just ticked off
The battle just made me frustrated watching it. One I really hated the dark and MTV quick cut to make things confusing. Second, the flippin dragons kept disappearing. They are late to the game and then a blast or two, the gone again. Come on!
I'm pretty sure all of what you just said is exactly what they wanted you to feel. they wanted the audience to feel as frustrated, helpless and hopeless as the characters facing the undead hoard