The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

But if I play and don't win the unobtanium soap I would be crushed and I don't think my emotions could handle it. How long has KJ preached and EVERY time I use MW I tell how SLICK it is and you just now try it.......
Good shave Dave! Glad you found a nice entry soap into MW! I remember the Coconut Sandalwood sample we got from the first Anniversary package was divine!
Nice shave Dave. I have Nystic Water Leather and Smoke and Jeff's Lavender. Really enjoy those scents but I need to work on building the lather. I hear you on the opening of businesses. I had to make a grocery run this weekend, and I could not believe the amount of people that brought their spouses or kids or significant others and were just walking around the store. I think we are going to have another spike before this thing goes away for a few months and then returns like the flu does.
Nice shave Dave! Glad you’re getting back to a more normal schedule.

Speaking of scooping samples...the Sample Pass thread has gone silent. Hows that going?
@Somnos I’m a little concerned that people might just flock here for autographs.

@Majorrich there isn’t a call in this post. one wants that! Sorry Dave I used that sample scent once, didn’t know there was so little in that one! Apologies Sir. Sadly I still checked your post for calls....😂 one wants that! Sorry Dave I used that sample scent once, didn’t know there was so little in that one! Apologies Sir. Sadly I still checked your post for calls....😂
No worries. Had enough to get the sense of it. And I caught whiffs of it for a good two hours. I remember going to one of their boutiques in Vegas and really liking one of their scents. Of course I don’t remember which.
No worries. Had enough to get the sense of it. And I caught whiffs of it for a good two hours. I remember going to one of their boutiques in Vegas and really liking one of their scents. Of course I don’t remember which.
The Sis-in-Law works for Guerlain...which if you haven’t noticed in my SOTD they feature so often. My fav frag house though Varvatos is quickly catching up...