The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

Nice ramblin shave today Dave!

PSA - when you face lather, the brush holds all the same amount of soap the bowl can (depending on how big your bowl lather scoop is lol)...and you wash the brush hairs out over your palm, not the scrubbing the sink bowl lol.

Guess @NurseDave didn't read the directions there Chris. :unsure:
Nice ramblin shave today Dave!

PSA - when you face lather, the brush holds all the same amount of soap the bowl can (depending on how big your bowl lather scoop is lol)...and you wash the brush hairs out over your palm, not the scrubbing the sink bowl lol.
Nice ramblin shave today Dave!

PSA - when you face lather, the brush holds all the same amount of soap the bowl can (depending on how big your bowl lather scoop is lol)...and you wash the brush hairs out over your palm, not the scrubbing the sink bowl lol.
First, that’s a good idea to wash it off on your hand. You’re wiser than your apparent years.

2nd and next, I’m not sure that I buy off on the idea that the brush can hold as much as your bowl can. Given than you squish your soap in your bowl because you likely are putting more in there than you can load on the brush. Thus you can make lather that starts building up in the bowl and isn’t being held by the brush and continue to make more lather as your brush is continuing to wipe across the soap still on the bottom of the bowl.
You can also take a snurdle of soap and place it in the knot of the brush to face lather as well, if you dont want to lather on the puck
2nd and next, I’m not sure that I buy off on the idea that the brush can hold as much as your bowl can.
Well maybe not as much as, that would be wrong, again that would depend on the scoop size...but enough for many passes. My 26 mm Big Bruce can probably hold a good 5 passes of lather.