The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

I’m sorry you have such long days during the current emergency. I hope we figure out how to quash this thing soon. I remember getting shots at school for something with those high pressure inoculation guns. I don’t know what it was for, but later got several other shots going into the service this way. Just lines us up and squirt squirt squirt. All done.
I’m sorry you have such long days during the current emergency. I hope we figure out how to quash this thing soon. I remember getting shots at school for something with those high pressure inoculation guns. I don’t know what it was for, but later got several other shots going into the service this way. Just lines us up and squirt squirt squirt. All done.
I too remember those young kid days aof going thru the line and getting numerous shots, at least 1 being that high pressure inoculation stuff (y) :cool:
Very good Dave. Lot's of good info. At least a Tesla is helluva lot cooler than a volt/prius etc. (y)
Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
Aren’t they supposed to be red? At the bar they are always red 🤔
Due to antiquated harvesting methods, nut shells were often left with ugly stains and splotches. Foreign pistachio producers dyed the pistachios with a bright red color in an effort to hide the stains and make the nuts more appealing to consumers.
Great videos Dave! Stay strong man! Don’t sweat the whole some people would love to be working/I’d love to be at home chilling right now thing. Ain’t no body judging about that!

Thanks for you and your staff doing what you do!
Nice video Dave! Crazy what's going on in hospitals lately. My wife doesn't get into specifics, but updates me on new policies regarding visitors since the baby will be here in 5 to 6 weeks. Luckily, as of now, I am still allowed up there, but her immediate family is not. I dont think this thing is going to calm down enough by then to change that, but I'm being optimistic that it doesn't get too much worse. Enjoy your days off and stay safe out there!