The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

I know what you mean by a lot being in the same scent arena but the Tub Art is TOO cool..........................and last I looked, it was back in stock ;)
I know what you mean by a lot being in the same scent arena but the Tub Art is TOO cool..........................and last I looked, it was back in stock ;)
I agree. Good to hear my sniffer was on the same page on this one.
“You know what I mean...” :ROFLMAO:

Dang Dave, that was a lot of TF spritzes! You’re gonna blanket the bed with that stuff! Thankfully it smells pretty nice.
100% agree with you Dave. I think the reason you see so much selfishness during this is because of how our society is today vs. 09/11. I think with the rise of social media and the "love yourself first" movement, we have a bunch of narcissists running around only thinking of themselves (my opinion). Personally, I try to avoid hand sanitizer at all cost. The 0.01% of bacteria it doesn't kill just reproduces at an exponential rate so you end up with resistant bacteria all over your hands. I get that in a hospital it is impractical for medical professionals to wash their hands after each patient visit, but I am just speaking about a general public everyday use.
100% agree with you Dave. I think the reason you see so much selfishness during this is because of how our society is today vs. 09/11. I think with the rise of social media and the "love yourself first" movement, we have a bunch of narcissists running around only thinking of themselves (my opinion). Personally, I try to avoid hand sanitizer at all cost. The 0.01% of bacteria it doesn't kill just reproduces at an exponential rate so you end up with resistant bacteria all over your hands. I get that in a hospital it is impractical for medical professionals to wash their hands after each patient visit, but I am just speaking about a general public everyday use.
Thanks man. And the process for removing PPE after working with a COVID patient requires them using a degermer several times.
Dude...that is a MANLY shave! Some nice perspective on life, work, and waistline! 🤪 And yes! You should wear the hard hat to work!

Hang in there man. You look tired, but you are a Rock! I know life is hard right now...but people are depending on you. There is nothing more manly than proving your mettle! You are a hero in my eyes!
They have released a whole bunch of prisoners in some places. Kind of counter intuitive. If people get through the pandemic. But possibly fall victim to criminals? Thinking out loud.
Buy yeah @Dave in KY I bet lots of guys in lock up tune in to see @NurseDave :unsure: Even though he's not young. He is Smooth. :p Wonder if he has ever gotten fan mail from prisons?
They make them watch my videos in prison. They call it the Green Mile channel.
Fun stuff there WardenDave! Way cool new safety suit, with hard hat! Amazing!

What’s this about no overtime? There better at least be some bonuses at the end of the year!
What’s this about no overtime? There better at least be some bonuses at the end of the year!
We normally get bonuses based on performance as long as our operating margin is where it should be. Unless Washington will be paying for all of our expenses for this, I'm sure that won't be happening. It takes more staff and resources to care for these patients. Plus I have no idea how much OT we're already occurring to get staff to work, plus hiring traveling crisis nurses, plus...