The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

@CBLindsay those are good points. I need to try to remember those other than monetary ways to add a little thank you. Back in college I had knee surgery around the holidays, so I took a bag of candy canes with me and made sure everyone I came in contact with got one. I’m not so sure the guy wrestling a fridge into my house would find it as amusing though.
@CBLindsay those are good points. I need to try to remember those other than monetary ways to add a little thank you. Back in college I had knee surgery around the holidays, so I took a bag of candy canes with me and made sure everyone I came in contact with got one. I’m not so sure the guy wrestling a fridge into my house would find it as amusing though.
You never know, maybe the guy grew up wanting a candy cane but never got one. Monetary tips given out of obligation become meaningless, thoughtful things and trinkets given because you truly appreciate the service someone provides can make all the difference. On the other hand, you can't pay parking meters with candy canes so ...
Last job I did at the resort they were selling the house to move to Florida and they tipped me $50 on a $200 bill. She said I always did outstanding work for them and they appreciated me. I can count on 2 hands the number of times I've been tipped in 30 years. I myself probably tip too much. I was raised by a dad that always met the garbage truck with a beer for each of the guys there. I agree with Chris @CBLindsay in depth thoughts. I'm a more shallow thinker
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One would think as nurse you might get slipped a $5 or a $10 to get the morphine there a little quicker. Nope.
Glad you liked the coffee Dave. What did @MrsNurseDave think?

Also those were Honduras beans. Got them fro. These folks.

Their roastery is about 5 minutes from my house so I stopped in to meet them. Good couple of guys.
Went to order it and it’s not on their site any more. I suppose they change offerings depending on what they can buy?
He mentioned last time i stopped in that they were going to reduce their offerings and cycle through. They were having issues with storage space i think and were trying to optimize.

Try this Green Ethiopia Yirgacheffe by Adventure Coffee Roasting | Adventure Coffee Roasting LLC

I have had that variety before and really like it. Or just check out all of them and see if any of the flavor notes stand out. I was thinking of stopping in tomorrow or tuesday so if you tell me what you are interested in i might be able to get a pound of it and give you my opinion of it.
@uacowboy if they could just let you know what be most similar to the other one. Then I’ll order some of that.
Well well we’ll, look who turned out to be a closet bar soap shaver! Lol. Nice job Dave! Thanks for the shout out!
Well well we’ll, look who turned out to be a closet bar soap shaver! Lol. Nice job Dave! Thanks for the shout out!
I was ready for a bunch of tugging and a rough shave. Look what just changing the razor does! Well, and a post shave routine.
Great video! Happy birthday to the kiddo!

It’s funny, my oldest just asked at the beginning of the week if he could “be my assistant” on my shave videos. He’s enamored with the whole idea of YouTube streamers right now.
Great video! Happy birthday to the kiddo!

It’s funny, my oldest just asked at the beginning of the week if he could “be my assistant” on my shave videos. He’s enamored with the whole idea of YouTube streamers right now.
My Daddy's famous and he's gonna let me help on his Youtube video :ROFLMAO: Why discourage him. We expect to see him Monday (y)
Great video! Happy birthday to the kiddo!

It’s funny, my oldest just asked at the beginning of the week if he could “be my assistant” on my shave videos. He’s enamored with the whole idea of YouTube streamers right now.
Looking forward to seeing him!
Used the splash off camera. THAT smells like what I remember Viking smelling like. Good stuff, but leaves a bit of stickiness on dry-down.
Oh Schick, wrong blade. Nice video Dave ! Got My M&M Naid up soon this week.
Poor Dave needs a challenge when he shaves...............Bless his Heart
Nice soap review/comparison
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