The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

All that lather and soap left and no mammoth painting? :LOL: Great looking shave. I like how you knew when to back off to avoid irritation. I think I'm learning the skill of backing off to avoid irritation. Good stuff Dave.
All that lather and soap left and no mammoth painting? :LOL: Great looking shave. I like how you knew when to back off to avoid irritation. I think I'm learning the skill of backing off to avoid irritation. Good stuff Dave.
Keep reminding me, I may try it some day. Although trying it and admitting I did are two different things.
Nice video Dave........ well until you started bragging about your pen 😂 and I wouldn't say I told you so yes I would No really man who am I kidding I TOLD YOU SO 😂
Keep reminding me, I may try it some day. Although trying it and admitting I did are two different things.

You can be a closet mammoth painter if you want to :LOL: I've heard from others who've tried it that it's hard to go back to letting all the great soap go down the drain when it could be used for mammoth painting 😄
I never even saw the Video Title as I never read them, Thanks man for the "Let's make Dave in KY Famous" movement. CLEARLY your BEST video to date :love::cool:

PS- Forgot to say, I can neither confirm or deny that I know where your other CFG soaps are..............
Watching now man. Just before 2:00 I laughed out loud knowing the puzzled look on your face was the realization you were out of your favorite blades for your FAVORITE razor. Sorry 😂 😂 😂 Back to the video.....
HR would not be happy if I asked them if they shaved. We'll leave it at that.
But they're okay with you asking them to smell you ? :p

Thanks for going to all that trouble man. Interesting comments you got. I get a warmer less floral from the cologne sample than my Bottle of the Concentrate. Go figure. Looking forward to smelling the Cologne. I'll get a bottle of Pool and Greet off to ya right away for trade 🤪🤪🤪
That’s also a birthday razor. Having a great time here at Bar Harbor. Successfully dismembered a lobster. I felt like such the carnivore!