The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

Great video Dave. Guess I'm the odd ball as I don't care to talk about stuff or go to the Doc if I have an issue. A lot rarer years ago when younger then now. I had no issue with drinking the gallon jug. Set a timer and chugged a glass every 15 minutes til gone as instructed. Was when I was 50 a little over 4 years ago and they said see you in 10 more years. Hope it all goes well for you and have a great time on the short vaca.
The colonoscopy preps of old were pretty horrific. Drinking a gallon of yuck made for an unpleasant night. The new deal is a pill or two and bammo! Unfortunately Medicare doesn’t cover it so I do magnesium citrate.
Great vid Dave, get your baseline scope and be done with it for 5 years.
Great video Dave. Guess I'm the odd ball as I don't care to talk about stuff or go to the Doc if I have an issue. A lot rarer years ago when younger then now. I had no issue with drinking the gallon jug. Set a timer and chugged a glass every 15 minutes til gone as instructed. Was when I was 50 a little over 4 years ago and they said see you in 10 more years. Hope it all goes well for you and have a great time on the short vaca.
I guess our docs want to make good and sure you're cleaned out. I have a regime all timed out starting at 2pm the day before consisting of three different meds that include mag citrate and the gallon of fun juice!
My feeling was I was getting it all down to BE CLEAN, otherwise the whole thing is a waste if they can't see things well. I only had 1 question for my Doc. My older brother had a local and was awake or the procedure and watched the tv view. I told him I want to be knocked out while he was poking around and he assured me that's what he does. I woke up non the wiser ?
Oh man! I'm watching for sure if I can! YouTube live!
Don’t laugh when the doctor says “you may feel a little pressure” you’ll need that pressure to fart for them before they will let you go!
Looks like a huge bathroom at your suite. Sorry the soap and water don’t agree with each other but glad you didn’t wound yourself and spoil your holiday. Have a great time Dave!
Sorry the shaves haven’t been quite up to snuff. Fun times though, safe travels home!

I agree about the architecture/sightseeing of Vegas. It’s pretty amazing in that regard!
Look at Dave, staying in the fancy hotel!

I agree, everyone must go to Vegas. And there’s so much to do, you always want to go back. I got between 2-5 times a year for work, and have done so for the last 14 years. I never tire of it. I’ll be there myself in a few weeks.
Sorry Dave...I am really behind on videos...not just yours but all videos. Just watched your "Men's Health Shave." I want to say I really appreciate your candid discussion about Men's Health. I promise you i won't get all dogmatic I know you understand where I am on certain subjects. So I turn 46 soon. 45 - 49 is an age that really scares me. Here is won't cover any kind of pre-cancer screening (colonoscopy, PSA, and other things) until you are 50. Browsing through Pub Med and Medical Journals it is evident that men are developing (not sure this is the right word here) types of cancer at MUCH younger ages. I went in for one of my health screenings last month. I do this at least twice a year (I have gone more frequent in the past year because I am trying to fix some things). THIS I can pay for out of pocket if my insurance doesn't pick it up. Anyway, I asked for a few extra blood tests before I went in. One of them being a PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) screening. Nope! Insurance won't cover it. It just doesn't seem right. The Lab at the office I go to charges like $500.00 for one. But if I go to I can order one myself from anywhere between $30 to $100 (depending on the type of PSA testing). Insurance just doesn't make it easy to become healthy sometimes.

Sorry about the rant...

Thank you so much for bringing this up...I know it's November...and this topic is at the front of a lot of minds. But we can really never hear it enough!
Gee Don! I never thought about cancer screening in you whippersnappers not being covered! Do you have any healthcare savings account or similar you can submit those expenses to? ? ?
Nice collection and nicely organized...........................and wish was around as you had all YOUR mail calls and false buying slow downs that obviously never transpired to realty ???
Gee Don! I never thought about cancer screening in you whippersnappers not being covered! Do you have any healthcare savings account or similar you can submit those expenses to?

Well, I have thought about doing a HSA. I haven't really needed to as of late because I have pretty good insurance coverage, But to be honest, I am planning out different tests and screening that I am going to do on my own. There are a couple places that you can order your own tests. Those companies will have a doctor send in the order to a lab, and then once they send you the results, a professional gives you a call and explains them. Which is all fine and dandy for me. My healthcare professional that I see (a nurse practitioner...should make Dave feel warm and fuzzy that I see one of his kinfolk instead of those pompous MDs...
)...we have talked about it and she is very comfortable with me doing this as long as I send her the results also, which I am happy to oblige. I am a bit of a guinea pig with my NP. She assesses my overall health and we devise a plan. I will do my research and then explain to her on the next visit why I want to keep on that treatment or why I do not. Then we hash it out and decide on what's best. I think too often we get caught up in mechanistic approaches to health (prescribe this medication for this particular symptom...then prescribe another of another symptom even if it was caused by the on and so forth). I am interested in the overall well being and I subscribe that one system of the body affects the other. I want to get to the root problem and then cure that so the others will go away. So what I have done is I have taken an active role in my own health, and why I can't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars or go visit places like the Cleveland or Mayo Clinics...(the Cleveland Clinic has a very unique approach to medicin and overall it seems to work...look it up if you are interested)...what I can do is do my own research...bring it to the attention of my NP...she in turn supports, refutes, asks here peers, or does her own research, to come up with the best plan for me.

Okay...really sorry I hijacked your thread Dave...I blame Rich for starting it!
If I moved into my dresser like that I'd have to get rid of my t-shirt collection. Lol

I might be a hoarder