The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #300 (DE:98 SE:86 Str:104 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
Custom synth
LNHC Doc Holiday
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Sunday afternoon shave. Took a nice soaking shower and then a nice long time with the shave. I have to think the newest release of LNHC soaps just needed some curing time or something. I know this was mentioned months ago that airing them out helped with some of the scents, but I'm liking the Doc Holiday just fine now. Nice peppery note for me. Three passes with the SS left me pretty close to BBS. Just a couple of tiny spots on the neck.

Been working on the front door this weekend. Painting it a nice maroon to add a spot of colour to the house. I guess I miss remembered that my wife told me to go ahe
ad and pick out a colour as long as it's maroon. She wanted to be there as well, and what I picked wasn't exactly what she was looking for, but seems like she's okay with it. Bonus it's called Chilled Wine. It's actually the shade of a nice Merlot. We've had a blue trap in place of the front door through the weekend, so I kind of had to rush things with me painting two more coats of paint today. So just hoping things are dried enough because I"ll be mounting the door in a few hours so we're not without one when everyone is out of the house tomorrow.
I wonder if this is why you two guys were scared to death when i got that half DE shavette that has since fallen apart.

Yepper - exactly!
All caught up. And if you keep shaving like that the lather is going to fall of the razor making the handle slippery and you are going to drop it and break your sink! And then we are going to have to make another mug!
All caught up. And if you keep shaving like that the lather is going to fall of the razor making the handle slippery and you are going to drop it and break your sink! And then we are going to have to make another mug!
Ha! No worries, that was a one time thing. It drove me crazy letting it build up like that. I tell ya, some day on video, KJ is going to have a big glob of that stuff fall, and it won't phase him at all, but I'll be oh so satisfied.
2018 shave #301 (DE:99 SE:86 Str:104 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Voskhod (1)
Custom synth
Sapone Di Paolo Terroso
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Penhaligon's Endymion EdC

I'm going to call this one a wasted shave. Luckily I can say I've only had a hand-full of those. It was only 15hrs or so since my last shave and I was still pretty much BBS, but thought I'd just try a one pass ATG shave to see if it returned me right back to a DSBBS. Well, let me tell you two things happened. First, I think for the most part I need three passes no matter what. I've even tried two when I had very little growth, but that didn't get everything. And this time while most of me is darn smooth, there's those stray little hairs that are driving me nuts.

2nd, Voskhods do not mesh with this razor. We talk about stuff that non-traditional sh
avers wouldn't understand. This has to be up there. This blade works well in that razor, but not this one. Huh??? They are both the same shape blade right??? But we've all experienced that. And it has to suck for a new shaver. What if they are thinking it's their technique the whole time, but their razor/blade combo is working against them. Anyway, the friggin' Russians ruined my shave. The Timeless is the one that I've been using for clean up, when need, after a straight shave. And with a Personna, it's mild enough to do a 4th pass with without any issues. This one pass with the Voskhod was ROUGH. There wasn't alum sting, but I felt like I was getting ripped up during the shave. I tried Voskhod early in wet shaving and didn't like it. But then I tried one again a month or so ago and found it decent. Mild like the Wilkie Swords. So I bought a bunch because they are dirt cheap, and I have always thought it would be good to be able to say I shave with blades from Russian. Anyway, I need to find a razor they work in or every package I send off will have a tuck of Ruskie love.
I've had good success with Voskhods. Think I still have some more...............
If I just had this one blade I'd probably just write them off. But since I have a boat load of them now, I better find a razor they work in!