The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Great shave Dave! And no...I didn't use SBSW today. I only have Visions & Revisions, as well as Coffee Spoons. I wasn't in a bright mood for the tea and citrus scent....and I didn't feel like smelling like coffee today. So I went for Ghost Dragon's Blood!
Nice shave Dave. Already had Elysium in the works and you had to pull out my favorite SBSW today. Hooks a great scent! Hope your feeling better.
Great shave Dave! And no...I didn't use SBSW today. I only have Visions & Revisions, as well as Coffee Spoons. I wasn't in a bright mood for the tea and citrus scent....and I didn't feel like smelling like coffee today. So I went for Ghost Dragon's Blood!
This must be rectified
Nice shave Dave. Already had Elysium in the works and you had to pull out my favorite SBSW today. Hooks a great scent! Hope your feeling better.
Thanks man. Just tired. Not bad enough to stay home, not good enough to get any work done.
2018 shave #289 (DE:97 SE:86 Str:103 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Plissoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
Razor Master Toivo
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Did a video for this one. Pretty distinct soap here. The Razor Master scents are not shy and this one stands out like crazy. I've talked about it twice before, but it smells exactly like a smoke from a dying camp fire. Just smoke. All smoke. Nothing but smoke. To me. And I love it. Can't explain why. It's not an every day scent as it's fairly strong, but it's like waking up and walking out of your tent to that smoke settled in the foggy morning. Pretty good shave too. Better than average slickness and lather for days.

Outside of the shave world, when my pa
rents were down, my dad told me he had a polyp removed during a colonoscopy that tested as something that could have turned into cancer. This means all his immediate off-spring should start getting colonoscopies at 40. Good times. I finally got around to starting the process of getting one scheduled. I'll just look forward to the sleepy nap time after I get home from it.
Good shave and video today. Well done take Big the preemptive route for your health, I’m really bad at that.
I really like just about every scent from Razor Master...the soap is good stuff...just don't find it as good as others. Sorry to hear about your Dad but at least it was detected and removed early.

I don't have any reason to schedule a colonoscopy other than I am deathly afraid of the "C" word. I really would...but my insurance won't cover it until I'm 50 unless I go to the doc with an issue...and I'm not going down that road. On the subject of pre-screening illnesses...I had my yearly the other week and I asked if they could do a PSA for prostate cancer screening...and I was told the same thing...not until I'm 50. But it's a blood screening? I just don't understand modern medicine sometimes. I have my thoughts and conspiracy theories...but I won't go into that here.

The doc did refer me to a cardiologist though. Nothing wrong...just that time in my life that I need a cardiologist now...

Have a great weekend Dave!
Nice shave Dave! Good job on the preemptive testing. I’m bad about not doing those things. But my doc did do a PSA test this year.
That soap scent sounds like it's right up my alley. I love the scent of woodsmoke.
Good shave and video today. Well done take Big the preemptive route for your health, I’m really bad at that.
I really like just about every scent from Razor Master...the soap is good stuff...just don't find it as good as others. Sorry to hear about your Dad but at least it was detected and removed early.

I don't have any reason to schedule a colonoscopy other than I am deathly afraid of the "C" word. I really would...but my insurance won't cover it until I'm 50 unless I go to the doc with an issue...and I'm not going down that road. On the subject of pre-screening illnesses...I had my yearly the other week and I asked if they could do a PSA for prostate cancer screening...and I was told the same thing...not until I'm 50. But it's a blood screening? I just don't understand modern medicine sometimes. I have my thoughts and conspiracy theories...but I won't go into that here.

The doc did refer me to a cardiologist though. Nothing wrong...just that time in my life that I need a cardiologist now...

Have a great weekend Dave!
Nice shave Dave! Good job on the preemptive testing. I’m bad about not doing those things. But my doc did do a PSA test this year.

Thanks guys. I know it's not terrible, but also not the best way to spend an evening and the next day.

Oh Don, Don, Don. ? I can tell you there are positives and negatives to any screening tool. In the case of prostate cancer, as a rule, the negatives out weigh the positives in early screening. Though I don't necessarily agree not doing it if specifically requested, depending on the cost.
2018 shave #299 (DE:98 SE:86 Str:103 Cart:3)
Parker Variant w/ Feather (1)
Plissoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
PdP 63
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Calvin Klein Euphoria

Yep, I was right. It was the Feather that worked better with the Variant. Nice, super close shave with it just set on 2. And a little tribute to KJ with the first pass. Yes, that's a full pass of soap.
