The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Sounds much fancier then "Day Before"

Way to go Dave

I listen to my music when mowing...he’s doing what I feel like doing sometimes, but I keep it inside...
I listen to my music when mowing...he’s doing what I feel like doing sometimes, but I keep it inside...
I'm sure the neighbors appreciate it but if you get down and funky, please video it as it may just push me to get a new mug after Chris(you) pulls pics from it. Home and heading out to mow the yard now myself but no moves other then trying not to roll/flip the little snapper rider down the hillside..........
I see you're back home from camping!
It was a long haul but I made it. LOVE camping, it's the setting up and tearing down I hate. Had a 50 foot stairway down to our site from the car to haul it all but it was a nice private site compared to others. Anxious to see the Stark Shave.....will you video it?
Sounds like you are ready for the Stark on Sunday. My guess is you will figure your neck out once you stop thinking about it. One day you just realize, "hey my neck is super duper dolphin butt cheek smooth too"
It was a long haul but I made it. LOVE camping, it's the setting up and tearing down I hate. Had a 50 foot stairway down to our site from the car to haul it all but it was a nice private site compared to others. Anxious to see the Stark Shave.....will you video it?

You should invest in a tent trailer! We love ours.
It was a long haul but I made it. LOVE camping, it's the setting up and tearing down I hate. Had a 50 foot stairway down to our site from the car to haul it all but it was a nice private site compared to others. Anxious to see the Stark Shave.....will you video it?
Sounds like you are ready for the Stark on Sunday. My guess is you will figure your neck out once you stop thinking about it. One day you just realize, "hey my neck is super duper dolphin butt cheek smooth too"
Here's hoping! And of course, it'll be up on the site for sure.
You should invest in a tent trailer! We love ours.
Sold it last year. They don't last when there is ANY moisture and around here just sitting closed up, I'd open it and condensation would be on the ceiling. I've camped with everything there is with my family growing up. I miss the little Vintage Scotty I sold. Should have kept it.
Nice shave Dave and Pre congrats on you 100th str8 shave Good stuff
2018 shave #283 (DE:95 SE:86 Str:99 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Custom synth
Nuavia Rossa
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

2018 shave #284 (DE:95 SE:86 Str:100 Cart:3)
Jerry Stark 5/8
TSC Legacy
CBL The Shaving Cadre
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

2018 shave #285 (DE:95 SE:86 Str:101 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
RazoRock synth
CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Marc-Antoine B683

Whoops, didn't realize I hadn't posted Saturday's shave either. I know I slack on that when I do a video as well.

Quick summary. Saturday, more of a DFS shave on the neck. Didn't push it as I wanted non-irritated skin for shave #100. Shave #100 was a bit of a bummer. I again blew out the CBL soap with a touch too much water. Slickness was still there, but not the sexy lather we like to use. Used my Stark for only the 2nd time with the same results as the first time. Had some chatter, little blade skipping, left a lot of hair behind. I guess the positive part was I didn't have any alum sting, but it did leave me wondering where my future would be with straights. And then today was a breeze. I guess that's the positive after using the Stark. I was much more assured using the SS and things went quicker. I ended up with a BBS all over with three passes and no clean-up.
I'm going to blow your mind Dave... I think you need to use more pressure with the stark.

I don't mean you should be a crazy ape about it just be more purposeful. When I use the feather or fresh blade in the weck (with guard on) I can get away with a super light touch, using just the weight of the razor to slice through my coarse beard. When I am using a straight razor I find I need to adjust the pressure and angle according to the grind and state of the edge. You mentioned you could feel the vibration of the somewhat hollow ground blade on your face, its good you recognize the difference in feel but I think it could be that you need to press the blade more firmly to the skin. One advantage to a hollow ground blade is that it flexes a bit when you press it to your face. The feather and weck most certainly do not flex, perhaps you would have a better experience with a wedge type blade. I don't think I have any wedges (they are very hard for me to hone) but i will look, if I have anything close I will send it to you.

I will try to explain/clarify the type of pressure I mean ... I think you would benefit from using a little more lateral pressure to press the bevel more tightly to your face. By default the added lateral pressure will also increase the pressure along the blade edge and maybe even change the angle of the edge at the skin level BUT if your focus is on the lateral pressure you won't be tempted to apply too much pressure in the wrong direction. Clear as mud?

Also,There is a fine line between holding the razor too tightly and just right, sometimes just tightening (or loosening) your grip on the razor can be helpful. In my case I tended to hold too tightly which made shaving the neck difficult, by loosening my grip my neck became easier.
What? WHAT?? Now more pressure? Mind. Blown.

I get what you are saying. I had to read it 4 times and think about, but I understand. Might have to give it another shot. Maybe better luck with the Weck or the Gold Dollar for less blade flex too?