The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

You didn't like Green Irish Tweed? That one is my favorite!
That surprised me too. But that's why I want to go back again to their actual boutique. This setting was a little hinkey and my parents and kids were waiting so I felt pretty rushed.

A revisit of the GIT is definitely in order. Make sure you get a generous sample, and don't pass judgement till at least an hour later. GIT goes on kind of harsh for me, but it's the dry down that awakens it's awesomeness. I totally dig how it evolves throughout the day, and it lasts all day for me. And it's so versatile - any season, any time of day. As a matter of fact, I'll be using it today!
A revisit of the GIT is definitely in order. Make sure you get a generous sample, and don't pass judgement till at least an hour later. GIT goes on kind of harsh for me, but it's the dry down that awakens it's awesomeness. I totally dig how it evolves throughout the day, and it lasts all day for me. And it's so versatile - any season, any time of day. As a matter of fact, I'll be using it today!
Sounds like a direct order from the cockpit! I'll try it out again for sure. And then when I like it and want a bottle, I'll mentioned your name to my wife. ?
2018 shave #280 (DE:95 SE:86 Str:96 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
TSC Legacy brush
B&M Cheshire
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
B&M Cheshire AS

Had read a comment about tea scents soaps, so I got a hankerin' for pulling out Cheshire. This one smell just like Earl Grey tea. That's it and it's delicious. Good performer too. The shave was pretty good, with dry-down BBS on the cheeks and a needed clean-up pass on the neck. I didn't know how many uses were on the blade, but it's ready for a change.

With the all the new to me A&E scents and then Mr L of CBL Soaps releasing his, I got on a new soap kick and I think I'm in withdrawals. I need one of the two to release some more stuff I'll like.
2018 shave #280 (DE:95 SE:86 Str:96 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
TSC Legacy brush
B&M Cheshire
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
B&M Cheshire AS

Had read a comment about tea scents soaps, so I got a hankerin' for pulling out Cheshire. This one smell just like Earl Grey tea. That's it and it's delicious. Good performer too. The shave was pretty good, with dry-down BBS on the cheeks and a needed clean-up pass on the neck. I didn't know how many uses were on the blade, but it's ready for a change.

With the all the new to me A&E scents and then Mr L of CBL Soaps releasing his, I got on a new soap kick and I think I'm in withdrawals. I need one of the two to release some more stuff I'll like.
I am working on it. I think you will like what I come up with, if all goes well it will be exactly as you requested.
Nice shave and read Dave, I want A Cholula scented Soap, LOL
2018 shave #281 (DE:95 SE:86 Str:97 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Custom synth
CBL Vintage Wine
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet EdT

A little more experience and a nice new sharp blade did me well today. Grading myself pretty harshly, I'll give a DFS++. About as close as one can be to BBS without being there. And done with just three passes with the SS. Feeling pretty good about that. I've been thinking about trying an AGT pass on the cheeks, but I'm trying to hold off to gain more consistency with what I'm already doing.

Taking the family to a Jessie Cook concert tonight. Kids are pretty excited. Should be nice, but that means tomorrow morning will come pretty early.
2018 shave #282 (DE:95 SE:86 Str:98 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Sorrentino Oregon State
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate AS

Let me take you back to a moment this morning that summarizes this shave. Here I am going about getting ready for work and absentmindedly touch my cheek. I wonder "hey, why is it wet?" It felt like there was a drop of lotion where I touched or something. But I hadn't used a balm or a lotion. I touched again. It's just so darn friggin' smooth it feels slippery! Boom! A DSBBS-G with the Feather SS. So I can only claim that on the cheeks. It's more a DSBBS on the neck, but dudes! Whatever words the kids are using for "cool" these days is what I would say.

Nice creamy lather from the Wholly Kaw. I think I've improved my technique where I don't need to thin down the lather from what I'd use for a DE. There's no sticking. I just had to learn that I can't push through the resistance. That's a major key for me. I hit a dense patch of hairs and if I try to make one long stroke through them, I have to use some pressure and the blade will stall. Nice short little strokes like a push mover through that first overgrown patch of grass in the spring.
[QUOTE username=NurseDave userid=5837700 postid=1305796606 It's more a DSBBS on the neck, but dudes! Whatever words the kids are using for "cool" these days is what I would say.

I don't care what your kids say. You have got to be one of the coolest dads in the San Francisco area!
Great breakthrough to have on the eve of the eve of your 100th! Good job Dave!
Sounds much fancier then "Day Before"

Way to go Dave

Admin EDIT: had to remove the attached GIF image because it had bad coding. Too bad really, it was pretty funny -imagine a big guy in questionable attire mowing his lawn suddenly breaking out in funky dance.