The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #275 (DE:95 SE:84 Str:93 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Strop Shoppe Solsetio
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes

I'm pleased with myself for hitting this scent on the head. I was whipping it up and thought it smells just like spearmint or eucalyptus. But I just used one that was mostly spearmint and I have a tub of eucalyptus lemon on my counter, so I figured it must be something else. I saw KJ's comment on Don's journal and realized there IS a way to see the descriptions right from Strop Shoppe. So with the beauty of interwebs magic, I bring you their description: Solsetio is a tribute to summer evenings. This is a relaxing mixture of eucalyptus and spearmint with undertones of almond.

In the shave department, I would like to report that progress is being made. This shave went very well. The blade was sliding pretty well. When I hit those patches that feel like sandpaper, instead of trying to push though I almost did some blade buffing and it worked well. I was also able to adjust the angle of the last neck pass just a little bit and that was enough to have a big effect on hair removal. Things were so much better than I didn't do any clean up because I wanted to see what it dried down to. I'm not going to claim BBS on this one, but it's as darn close as you can get without it being there if you know what I mean. DFS++ even on the neck. And no alum sting. I'd be pleased as punch if I could repeat a few more like this.

Everyone seems healthy at home now, so that's good. My parents flew in yesterday for an extended weekend so I'm taking Monday off because the kids are out of school too. We need to come up with a few ideas of things to do.
Great shave with the SS Dave! Glad to hear the sickness is passing. Flaming hot Cheetos are a good benchmark.
I guess my secret is out! LOL, glad it helped you. I have two Spearmint & Eucalyptus soaps (Honeybee & Jeeves) and that scent combination is divine! It’s one of my favorites.
Yesterday’s shave:

2018 shave #276 (DE:95 SE:85 Str:93 Cart:3)
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Strop Shoppe Russian Tea AND CBL Russian Tea
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Penhaligon’s Endymion

More details in the video for this one. Strop Shoppe and CBL went head to head in a battle royale of heavenly scents. Was a fun time and ended up with a great RX level BBS.
2018 shave #277 (DE:95 SE:85 Str:94 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
RazoRock Synth
A&E Grecian Horse
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
A&E Grecian Horse AS

2018 shave #278 (DE:95 SE:85 Str:95 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (5)
RazoRock Synth
CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Louis Vuitton L'Imensite EdP

Last two shaves were the same stuff again except for the soap. Still doing what I would rate as "ok". Three passes both times with yesterday being a little better result of dry-down BBS and some alum sting this morning with DFS+ on the neck. This morning I was feeling a bit rushed and tried to make myself take my time, but there was still that lack of zen that I think contributed to the irritation I have on my neck.

Interesting thing yesterday. We were at a mall and stopped in Neiman Marcus to finally try out of Creed scents. I didn't like a single one other than Adventus. Which is fine with mty wallet. I only smelled a few, so I'll stop by their store in Vegas next month to give others a shot, but I thought I'd be blown away and they just weren't my thing. Did find a couple of the Louis Vuitton scents that were nice though.
Great Stuff Dave and while you are in Vegas, don't Forget Penhaligons in Bellagio, along with Creed in the Forum Shops and hehehehehe and while you are at it jump off the Stratosphere
Shave 278 jumped your straight count and you used the RX. Don't think we aren't watching dude
Nice stuff Dave! Getting closer
Lol! Nice catch. I actually didn’t change the razor to the SS. I copied the text from the last RX shave for both those. Glad you pointed it out. I’ve screwed up before and it can take some time to straighten it out.