The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Don’t fear the sloppy ... lather like a madman!
I guess that’s another philosophy
I need to remember to keep the CBL soaps on the thicker side for the lather. Once a touch too much water gets added they do thin out. Not to the point of poor performance, but enough that I start getting lather all over the place.
i find it to be a relatively fine line for optimal performance. The wetter you can get the lather, the slicker it is, but you’re right, add too much and it gets really sloppy.
2018 shave #262(DE:93 SE:83 Str:83 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword
CBL The Shaving Cadre
RazoRock Synth
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

2018 shave #263 (DE:94 SE:83 Str:83 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword
CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
RazoRock Synth
Witch Hazel

Busy weekend, but I did get my shaves in. Same shaves different soaps so I'll just talk about the scents again.

The Shaving Cadre - Kinda bummed, but this one didn't do it for me scent wise. From the tub I get the citrus with a bit of a green note. Like a leaf or just a fresh plant smell. When lathered, that green takes on more a thistle or weedy note for me. I am 99% sure that Chad is to blame for this by insisting that a tumbleweed note be thrown in. I can't really get past that.

Roasted Oatmeal Stout - I liked this from the tub after the first couple of sniff. It grew on me and I got a clear oatmeal cookie out of it. Now, KJ has proclaimed this his favorite scent ever, so I keep trying to have a non-biased opinion and not feel I need to like it just because of that. Plus, that KJ is into some weird stuff. BUT, he is right about this one. It. Is. Awesome. Has to be my favorite CBL scent. Which really surprises me. I typically don't go for the food scented soaps that strongly, but this one is just so warm and inviting, the smell alone should warm you up on a cold morning. The scent gained some more depth to it as it was lathered. I think some more clove and some creaminess to it. A little more vanilla? Anyway, my only wish is that I could smell it while I shaved. Somehow I got it strong and clear while I was making the lather and also applying it, but it disappeared while shaving.

So this weekend started with taking my wife to the ED. She's had hand pain slowly getting worse while waiting for her doctor's appointment. It ended up getting so bad it woke her up at 3am. We waited until 6 so didn't leave the kids alone in the middle of the night. Long story short it was just tendinitis, but for no apparent reason. Doc said some people are just prone to getting it and it can show up in one part of the body and years later in another. Then kids activities and shopping the rest of the day with family dinner at the in-laws at night. Today was pancakes, installing my new stereo for the wine room, yard work, then finally a shave. I'm pooped and rest to just relax the rest of the day. Hopefully.
Glad you like the Oatmeal Stout. Better get some more before I buy the rest!
Glad you like the Oatmeal Stout. Better get some more before I buy the rest!
No joke, that was my first thought! Right now I'm telling myself there is so much soap out there. Well, not only out there, but right here that I'll never use it all up so it doesn't make any sense for me to have duplicates of anything. I'll use it another time or two and wouldn't be surprised to feel like I would be sad to get to the point of never getting to use it again.
I am 99% sure that Chad is to blame for this by insisting that a tumbleweed note be thrown in. I can't really get past that.


Good stuff Dave.

Sounds like Chris better scramble to find some more Guinness 200th or a substitute, that Oatmeal Stout has been a favorite of just about everyone so far seems like!

Good stuff Dave.

Sounds like Chris better scramble to find some more Guinness 200th or a substitute, that Oatmeal Stout has been a favorite of just about everyone so far seems like!
I swore I wasn’t going to make another beer soap BUT a friend of mine who makes craft beer has asked to do a collaborative. He has a few varieties we are going to explore, depending on what we find I will make another batch of beer base and scent it according to the notes that best fit the profile. Will it be another roasted oatmeal stout? Possibly.

Sorry to hear about the wife’s hand, tendon pain is a tough one to treat
I swore I wasn’t going to make another beer soap BUT a friend of mine who makes craft beer has asked to do a collaborative. He has a few varieties we are going to explore, depending on what we find I will make another batch of beer base and scent it according to the notes that best fit the profile. Will it be another roasted oatmeal stout? Possibly.
I have no idea how much of this scent is from the Guinness. If it can be replicated with normal Guinness or without it at all and beer is just for the feel, then I say make it without and keep it in stock!
2018 shave #264 (DE:95 SE:83 Str:83 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)
The Club The Closer
RazoRock Synth
Witch Hazel
The Club The Closer AS

Yesterday's shave was well into the afternoon so I again defaulted to the mild Timeless. Simple and easy BBS. Gotta stop playing it safe and get back into the straight this weekend.
Sorry the TSC scent wasn't to your liking. I did not get any tumbleweed thrown in there though. LOL
2018 shave #265 (DE:95 SE:83 Str:84 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
CBL Russian Tea
Sorrentino OSU
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
B&M Cheshire AS

I'm sitting here at work wondering how I ended up here an hour before I normally do. I obviously mistook the time and got up an hour early. That's happened a time or two before, but I've caught it very shortly after and stayed in bed or returned to bed. Today, the routine kicked in and I didn't figure it out until I saw the clock in the car. And here I was thinking the kids must have slept through their alarm. Well, more time to watch videos without having to hide the window.

Went back to the SS today to get some more practice. It would be nice to get a successful shave with my Jerry Stark straight by straight shave #100. Today we fairly well. One bleeder on the cheek which was taking the top off a little bump. No irritation on the neck, but I also needed a clean up with the Timeless. Tried the ole two XTG passes on the cheeks instead of one XTG and one ATG. It was much easier to get done, but the BBS wouldn't have been as close without the clean up. Another one under my belt.
Congratulations on finding an extra hour! ?

Didn’t know you had a Stark! A decent 100th with that would definitely be an achievement!