The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

You're sneaking up on #100. Looking forward to your set up, and it's hard to go wrong when you have a Stark.
Congratulations on finding an extra hour!

Didn’t know you had a Stark! A decent 100th with that would definitely be an achievement!
Congrats on closing in on a 100 Stark shave soon. I don't count loping off tops of things as my fault either.
You're sneaking up on #100. Looking forward to your set up, and it's hard to go wrong when you have a Stark.
Here's to hoping!
2018 shave #266 (DE:95 SE:83 Str:85 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Sapone Di Paolo Terroso
Razorock synth
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Dior Sauvage

Need to not forget the older great scents just because there are a bunch of new ones. I love this one. While not in my top 5 or maybe 10, it certainly is up there. A nice warm earth spice and soft pepper scent.

A bit better shave than yesterday. I repeated the opposing XTG passes on the cheeks. And I did the full three passes on the neck with the standard straight down ATG pass. This time I thought I might be close to a dry-down BBS so I just left things as they stood after three passes to see where it ended. Though I knew none of it would be at the super close BBS level. The cheeks actually did dry down to an SE level BBS. The neck had some sporadic residual hairs with BBS between. I'll chalk that up to DFS+. Did have a touch of alum sting on the right cheek, which is just a signal I need to refine the touch with the off hand. Not bad overall.
Yesterday's shave

2018 shave #267 (DE:95 SE:83 Str:86 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (5)
CBL Ghost Dragon's Blood
Plissoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Today was all about trying the ghost soap from CBL. I react pretty quickly to menthol with a burning on my cheeks, so we wanted to see if what he is using doesn't react. No suspense, it didn't. A little tingling here and there, but no burning to be sure. But I also didn't get the cooling aspect so that's interesting. I'll still maintain that Dragon's Blood smells like hippies. In that it smells just like those stores filled with healing crystals and incense burners. So one sample was enough for me, but wasn't as bad of an experience as I was expecting.

In the morning I was woken up with a cat puking on the comforter at 2am. So I was up at 2am hand washing it. Couldn't get back to sleep so decided just to take the day off. Instead of sleeping I actually got a tone done around the house. Then when I actually headed to the couch for a nap, I got sucked into the testimony happening in DC. I never watch that type of thing, but jeez what a side show that was and like a reality TV show, I had to see what happened next.
2018 shave #268 (DE:95 SE:83 Str:87 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
SV 70th
Sorrentino TSC legacy
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
SV 70th AS

Well, this morning started off just like yesterday. Cat puking at 2am again. But this time I was woken out of a dead sleep quickly enough to shoo her off the bed in time for the puke to hit the floor instead of the bed. I was up cleaning again, but less work. And little sleep after. I'm draggin'. Decided on the ole SV 70th for my birthday shave. Then the 2nd bummer happened. As I was squeezing the water out of my soaking SC brush, the knot just popped right out! Now this thing is usually just sitting on display and it would surprise me if I've used it more than 20 times. I'm torn between reaching out to SV or just mixing up some epoxy and dropping the knot back in.

The shave itself was decent. Still did a 4th clean up pass on the neck, but I think there was a touch less to clean up. I did have a couple of strokes where I felt like I was using lighter pressure than usual yet still keeping the razor in contact with the skin. First time it's felt like I had it just right. So that's promising to future shaves.
Sounds like you just need to have a nice relaxing day for your birthday.
Interesting way to start your b-day. You 2 & 3am guys are really setting a bad example for me. Happy Birthday Dave!
Happy birthday Dave!

Big bummer about the SV brush. I hope you can get it repaired easily!

Tell your cat to pull itself together! Sheesh!
Sorry about the early wake up and then the brush debacle. Maybe you should just crawl back in bed for the day. Hope you have a great day !!
Sorry about the early wake up and then the brush debacle. Maybe you should just crawl back in bed for the day. Hope you have a great day !!
Was certainly my thought when that knot popped out! Luckily I don't have to run to pick-up kids after work so I get to look forward to a quiet house for a few hours.