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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #259 (DE:91 SE:83 Str:82 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Sorrentino Seafoam
Witch Hazel

Still trying to fit in some straight shaves with all the other razor experimentation going on. I rate this one "ok". Got BBS on the cheeks and DFS on the neck and needed a 4th pass with the Timeless to make it acceptable to me for leaving the house. But no alum burn. Still having that issue where I can't seem to go over the same area more than twice without losing all slickness. Maybe that's a pressure issue, but without alum burn I'm thinking it's not. Guess I'm still waiting for that break through shave where everything just clicks.

I forgot the GTB EdP after I got dressed ?
Forgot the EDP? I guess just call it a day and head home. GAMEOVER!
The big “ah hah” moment came in increments for me along the way to 100. You’re not getting Alum feedback, I’d say that’s success!
2018 shave #260 (DE:91 SE:83 Str:83 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
CBL Cigar Store Indian
Custom Synth
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Well this was a yin-yang type of shave. I was excited I finally got my production CBLs soaps, but the shave kinda sucked. The soap itself was awesome. I won't comment on the performance because my technique screwed stuff up I'm sure. Off the tub I got a nice warm tobacco with a back note of cherry. I like it a lot. It's almost like two different scents that hit you one after the other, or like the cherry is an after taste of scent. On lathering I also picked up what I got as a rich chocolate scent from time to time, but could have been the amber mixing with the tobacco. Either way, I like it. As you can see, this has a layered aspect to it which I get a lot of enjoyment out of. It's not just a pleasant scent while you shave, but you can experience it evolving and changing. Very cool, nice work Chris.

I think I had too much going on with this shave though to be using a straight. Trying to pay attention to a new soap while also trying to concentrate on a razor I can't use by instinct yet. Ended up with a decent weeper that just wouldn't stop on my neck and some good redness around it. Only did two passes with the SS and then bailed for the Timeless. Obviously practicing with the straight and evaluating anything else need to be done at separate times. I was kind of irritated with myself for forc
ing the two together because I really only wanted to think of the soap.

Cool side note from yesterday. A lady got in the elevator with me a few hours into the day and say "you smell good!". That's the power of GTB baby!
Danger Dave Robinson, danger!

Glad the soaps a winner! Good call finishing up with the Timeless. Sorry about the battle damage!
Just getting caught up on your journal Dave...a lot of interesting info here. Sorry you don't like The Novelist...that is a soap I have been considering. But with all the new stuff that A&E/The Club is coming out with I thought it better to hold off for something I might like better.
Just getting caught up on your journal Dave...a lot of interesting info here. Sorry you don't like The Novelist...that is a soap I have been considering. But with all the new stuff that A&E/The Club is coming out with I thought it better to hold off for something I might like better.
Well the scent wasn't bad, just not another to do with what one equate to a novelist. IMHO
2018 shave #261 (DE:92 SE:83 Str:83 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword
CBL Cigar Store Cowboy
Sorrentino TSC
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Today was all about the CBL soap. Stuck with the mild and easy Timeless as to not have to think about it. From the tub I was only getting a leather smell. But it was a very nice, clean smell. Nice and strong, but not overbearing. As soon as I scooped some out, I got the cherry note from the Cigar Store Indian base used for the Cowboy soap. My theory is the tobacco notes from the base soap are being incorporated into the rich leather smell and thus aren't distinct notes, though there are hints of them from time to time. Almost like a feeling rather than a smell. Again like the Indian soap, this is a complex soap with notes that interweave and come and go though the shave.

I need to remember to keep the CBL soaps on the thicker side for the lather. Once a touch too much water gets added they do thin out. Not to the point of poor performance, but enough that I start getting lather all over the place.
2018 shave #261 (DE:92 SE:83 Str:83 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword
CBL Cigar Store Cowboy
Sorrentino TSC
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Today was all about the CBL soap. Stuck with the mild and easy Timeless as to not have to think about it. From the tub I was only getting a leather smell. But it was a very nice, clean smell. Nice and strong, but not overbearing. As soon as I scooped some out, I got the cherry note from the Cigar Store Indian base used for the Cowboy soap. My theory is the tobacco notes from the base soap are being incorporated into the rich leather smell and thus aren't distinct notes, though there are hints of them from time to time. Almost like a feeling rather than a smell. Again like the Indian soap, this is a complex soap with notes that interweave and come and go though the shave.

I need to remember to keep the CBL soaps on the thicker side for the lather. Once a touch too much water gets added they do thin out. Not to the point of poor performance, but enough that I start getting lather all over the place.
That's how mine was today also. Got wetter then I like but performed awesome regardless. I should use synthetics till I'm used to the badgers holding moisture more. Nice shave